Why have rules that can't be enforced? "Don't eat bread at lunch" How they going to know?
Well, if you regularly catch domains you therefore must know which are going and when...
I've tried to setup the UKDNA however the industry is so fragmented no one can lead from the front of it. This is why the smaller 'secondary market' meetings work better between smaller 'pockets' of people spread out over the country.
Also in the UK we haven't got people like Michael Collins, Jeremiah Johnson, Rick Latona, Rick Schwartz, Frank Schilling and so on.... No one is willing to pull together resources, time, effort and money to even stand a chance of respresenting the UK secondary market in a good light.
Andrew - in a small way David's post is aimed at you ie. shouting the loudest means you in some eyes have become the defacto 'representative' of domainers and to be honest its not always in the best light.
I cant remember definatively as the site is no longer there, but the UKDNA start up was basically yourself, Adam Burkatally, Mike Toth and I think Tommy Butler (who left early I think). Nothing against any personally, however as a 'trade organisation' it IMHO does not start on the right footing.
The focus on 'domainers' is wrong IMHO as its very rare to have a sole 'domainer' focus, there are alot of elements to it be it software/systems provision, secondary market sales, development etc etc.
There is little point having a narrow focus for any group, Nominet covers areas of interest to people involved in domains and development much further than REQUEST + lookups.
Even if you called an EGM on this issue it would only make then situation worse - then the government would acutally step in and regulation would follow. It doesn't stop you using your vote at the AGM though and voting for people who you think would support the secondary market.
I think this comes under the 'shouting and screaming' part

- this would be your second EGM call this year, and its was only just St Davids Day the other day

Alot of valid stuff is said however often it gets clouded in frankly unneeded nonsense.
In my opinion the only thing to do from now on is to lobby the top 10 registrars and the big "secondary market" companies like Sedo and even Yahoo/Google into doing something about it.
Given the size of Schlund + Partner AG 1,369,459 they might get 2.5 million lookups on the Time Delay DAC for public facing order processes.....however what happens to their bottom line when we are all not listing/parking names on Sedo? Even hosting sales will be affected as we are not developing names. How can even
DomCollect Worldwide Intellectual Property AG get around the DAC T&Cs and continue to catch .uk domains?
Why would the top 10 registrars / Sedo / Yahoo / Google give a toss about mainly sole traders / small businesses who operate in .uk ? Yes they carry more weight, but so would the Russian army but I dont think talking to them would help anyone!
You make some great points - people on here are part of a wider industry eg. every domain developed will need hosting.
Likewise large ISP's claim the added capacity is required to aide client management however with DomCollects surge in registrations, likewise your own time at an ISP, you are aware that the extra quotas probably will be used for catching.
Sensible solutions? Perhaps a delayed DAC that is 10 - 30 or even a minute behind? 100ms is *nothing*.
All good food for thought though.