gordon said:
I note that
Jay answered this on Acorn Domains before in a different way from yourself.
Perhaps statements on operational procedures should be left to Nominet staff to ensure the answer is correct and up to date?
Dearie me... maybe I'm just too old-fashioned for this kind of corporate rationale, but (frankly Gordon) the suggestion that "statements on operational procedures should be left to Nominet staff to ensure the answer is correct and up to date" sucks.
This kind of parochial and entrenched thinking is exactly the reason why I now feel more empathic towards Beasty's viewpoint
here that Nominet needs to be "owned by the nation". If Nominet cannot or will not be accountable to the nation it serves, then I will not be associated with corporate shennanigans and closing of ranks that ostensibly forbids ordinary stakeholders (i.e. registrants) from challenging and questioning the modus operandi of
their .uk registry... and lest we forget, it is indeed
Heck, I'll even thank
texidriver for reminding me of a phrase I used recently:
by way of corroboration for my viewpoint ... and here's some evidence to support my contention that the PAB and the stakeholders on this forum have a right to question operational procedures in their .uk registry!
At the PAB meeting on the 5th June 2002 the following people (among others) were in attendance. Gordon Dick (then an elected PAB member), Alex Bligh (Appointed Member from the board), Willie Black (then Chairman of Nominet) and Emily Taylor (then Company Solicitor now Director of Legal and Policy).
Here is an extract from the report of that meeting (quoted verbatim):
It was agreed that the PAB is a method of communication and consultation between Nominet and its stakeholders. The CoM should consult on policy issues with the PAB and in some cases it would be more appropriate to consult with the wider membership.
Gordon Dick offered to draft a mission statement for the PAB based on this discussion, which the Executive would then use to draft a "PAB charter".
The definition of policy was discussed. The PAB agreed that the proposed definition of "everything that is not operations" is inappropriate and that policy includes: Rules, Pricing, Changes of governance, Interaction with stakeholder groups and other issues that the CoM refers to the PAB.
Now pardon me all over the place but when something is put down in black and white and promised to the community, I take great exception to the inference that I (or the community) should keep their noses out of operational procedures which are possibly not being adhered to as per written policy. Nota bene: I say possibly, because I do not yet know the facts from the other side.
That said, you so incensed me with your self-righteousness a few days ago (your disagreement that Nominet is a natural monopoly) that I have spoken to my PAB colleague at the DTI and he is getting back to me on the question of whether the DTI still regards Nominet as a natural monopoly as it did in 1999.
The stark irony here is, that if you are indeed Gordon Dick, you already know how I react to suggestions that the PAB or the members and stakeholders do not have a right to question operational procedures, yet you challenge me on a public forum when my sensibility will not, and never has, tolerated this kind of censorship or silencing of legitimate views.
James Conaghan
PAB Member representing Members and Stakeholders!