Yes, and the ISP is therefore holding them to ransom, so get a new frigging ISP. Geez!
...The ISP is doing nothing of the sort (maybe I should pass your comments onto 1&1 – I’m sure their legal team would have a field day with you :mrgreen: ) - the option to opt out is there and really for most people a tailor made custom error page that admittedly contains sedo ads, isn't an issue for jo blogs consumer types. The ONLY ISSUE is how Nominet treats its 'consumer' customers and it is clear from what you're saying now (change of heart all of a sudden

) that Nominet does not want to recognise that 'consumers' buy their product - that they exist - or in fact that they have RIGHTS!!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again - Arrogant, Thoughtless, Self-Righteous and Buggers!!!
Considering that was a private message sneezy (and please note the word private as in not public domain) I take great offence to you having published it. I find it incredibly difficult to try to help you at all when you do such daft and inflammatory things... but then again, why change now....
...Woo there boyo, why take offence? - got something to hide? - as a data controller I am duty bound to point out issues that can cause a breach of the DPA - just as I'm duty bound to report this issue to the I.C. Office!
Why do you want to keep such things secret? - Is it that people might find out what sort of chap you really are - Mr. Flipity flop!
It is not Nominet's policy on opt-out that is the issue here, it is the conflict between customer (who may indeed be a consumer) and the ISP or hosting company. Nominet has no control over its Tag Holder's individual business models. If a registant is in fact a consumer and can prove it, they should speak direct to Nominet and ask Nominet for advice, but Nominet cannot instruct a Tag Holder on his or her own usage policy. That is a matter between the registrant whether consumer or business and the hosting company.
...Of course, I was forgetting - THE SUN SHINES OUT OF NOMINETS ARSE - Nominet can do no wrong - We are not worthy - Nominet is ALWAYS right - god this is getting tiring!!!
You said it yourself - NOMINET's POLICY ON OPT-OUT IS AN ISSUE!!! - But you've changed your tune - WHY's THAT JAC???
And if I try to help you privately in the future, please have the good grace to keep a private conversation private!
...Sorry - if I remember rightly I was helping you (i.e. giving you the damn information you asked for) - I asked in a PM for some feedback and I was ignored - in any case... in some circumstances public interest rules apply! - Just as it does in the Official Secrets Act :mrgreen: