I dread to think what they've done to the registrant transfer on the receiving side!
I'll tell you Grant, it was a fecking nightmare when I accepted a paid for transfer a few minutes ago. Wish I'd taken a screen shot of each page.
On the old system it used to take about 60 - 90 seconds to complete a transfer, not so on this amazing new system they've designed, it took about 20 minutes and 2 different browsers to get it to work, and I think the main failing is that the transfer process is done without you being logged in to Nominet, you're only given the login screen after completing the transfer payment.
It's bloody repetitive having to enter your name, email address and postal address several times, then you get to the bank details page and finally the payment processing page comes up with my banks name on it, and then the page turns to an error page saying:
Not Found
The requested URL /acspage/undefined/rest/actions/returnedFromDataCash was not found on this server.
Tried it all again using FireFox and it worked that time so it may have been browser related as I'm on an old browser, but a bit like the stupid colour changes, why make a new system that takes so much longer than the old system to do a simple transfer, zero though has gone in to it.
For someone who doesn't know how transfers work, they could struggle, because some non domainer types struggled on the old easy system, so they have no chance on this one.
I just checked the email transfer link again and on the transfer page it says:
Complete each section of the form with the new registrant details or add your new domains to an existing account by logging in, then click the link provided in your ‘Registrant transfer request’ email
I know how to do transfers so I didn't bother reading any of the instructions, I also had another tab open where I was already logged in to Nominet but didn't read anything about doing that, I assumed as I was already logged in that I'd be logged, and not have to log in then go back and click the email link again.
Either way, it's a pointless having that bolded part of the message because you only see that after clicking the transfer link, maybe that should be written in the transfer email before you click the link, otherwise you click the link, read that, then have to close the page and open the link again after logging in.
The person who transferred the domain to me said he sent another transfer yesterday, and the receiver of that one had problems and had to phone Nominet to assist them with the transfer.