thanks for being honest jmot
Well lets look at it from a out of the box point of view
Google can do what the f**K what it wants to period
normally in a country the government lays down laws that we operate and conduct business in , hmm but not on the net and not with google why ???
think about it , if you are in goverment and this company says, hey listen
we can tell you were you are going wrong show you trending data
let you know what the public is thinking so you can adress that situation
before it bubbles , no wonder the government lets them do what they want
and also big g is not that nice as it leaves the countries population socially responsible , for the tax decfit it burdens them with by being in ireland and not paying tax in the uk ,
how often do you see a multi billion dollar company increase it profits by 30 % IN A 1/4
i got hit in april ( nice while in hospital ) and the end result is 10 people now
in uk do not have jobs , and i have reduced the size of my office inidia by 12 leaving only 4
my sister who is 60 and does not know jack sh*it about search engines asked me the other day hey Steve what up with google , as there search results have got really bad . i pissed myself laughing , as it is a plain to see as
the murdoch scandal , Google does not care about search quality
its cares only for its share holders period , dont kid yourself
i would really like to handle bings advertising and marketing in the uk
as i am top on that one and yahoo but little traffic lol but really
google is loosing it , and has been for some times hopefully it will not be to long before it will impload
Google is like a politician , its lies to your face , while taking your money fact
its would be gr8 to have a search engine that does not hold data on us
i think duck duck go does this but is not so great yet
yes i need to get rid on my gmail account and not use chrome as a protest
the answer is to keep on trying