I haven't read this whole thread but the first couple of pages annoyed me..
I'm a moderator on a large SEO forum, for me to keep reading at the start of this thread "SEO Is dead" is absolutely rediculous..
Everytime google updates something someone screams "SEO IS DEAD!!!!" it happened in 2003 with florida.. here we are all the years later and people are still screaming it.
Maybe one day it will be true, not yet
Denial of the events unfolding in the last 2 years is more ridiculous than a contentious thread title designed to spark debate
Googles evolution and war on SEO in 2011/2012 is something Hilltop, Florida and all the updates since has never come close too. Now add the new Google compare functionality forcing SERPS further below the fold. Add local. Add even more PPC listings in the north rail of the page. SEO has a decreasing CTR that has in the last 2/3 years become less and less.
If you look back objectively there has been 10 years of absolute abuse by SEO's gaming the system. 10 years of lost ad sales revenue to Google. The concept rarely changed in that whole time. Now 2011 and 2012 occur and the absolute core concept of gaming google is under attack with more variables at play than a NASA manual.
If you believe running a business off SEO is viable then good luck to you. I think with this latest twist of the knife there will be more folks agreeing that SEO is basically fecked for them.
The thread that I really kicked off with the contentious title recently had many folks here saying (summarizing not exact quotes):
"naaa SEO isnt dead.. I just reg'd an EMD, put in a few careful links and now I'm on page 1 flying... your talking bollocks"
"I surfed thu penguin easy because I didnt automate my links, google wont touch EMD's... how can they"
"I've never link built into my domains and they rank just fine"
My point is peoples level of utter blindness to the current course Google is on of completely fucking with SEO to force people into PPC & their unwillingness to think outside the box.
Dont get me wrong there is still huge cash to be made and this will yield opportunity for others. Imagine all those site owners going "yipeeee I'm number 1...that EMD is gone!"
Its an eco-system, I get that. Paid search is the top of the food chain and its eating everything in its way.
So why dont people think about these things like an ecosystem?
Whats this update going to do to Google? Why have they done it? Whats changed at Google? What services are they now pushing as paid inclusion in the SERPS? How does this potentially change how users interact with the SERPS?
If people dont ask themselves these questions in relation to building longterm stability rather than "how can i rank a new site" they are stupid.
Agree, disagree, whatever.