In respect of some registrars (e.g. 123-Reg, Namesco, Key-Systems, FreeParking and possibly others - I’m just aware that these have all definitely participated)
So you have spoken to Volker (Key-Systems), Dickie (FreeParking), Kelly (Namesco) your fellow non-executive directors?
Isn't that a bit like speaking to poachers who turn gamekeepers?
You can't possibly know that Identify Protect Ltd have ever caused a summary transfer by not responding, unless you were party to one. Have you been?
See DRS D00016458 14/10/2015 Art To Life Limited vs Identity Protect Limited
See the experts explaination at the bottom:
Whilst no Response was received from the Respondent in time, the Respondent filed a non-standard submission with Nominet on 7 October 2015. The brief explanantion for the exceptional need was that, due to a failure at Identity Protect (the registrant), the end user only received the Complaint on 6 October 2015.
That is just one example of a summary decision.
You will be aware that Nominet send DRS complaints electronically by email and so it would take mere moments for Identify Protect Ltd to forward the emails to their customer after the email was opened. If their customer then chooses not to respond to the DRS, that's their prerogative.
You will also be aware you can't register one million .uk names without using the same email address.Therefore 123-reg likely used one email on all those .uk registrations?
When Nominet send a DRS it comes From:
It is sent to:
Can you confirm that even postmaster email is setup on those names?
Also any DRS would likely involve the as well - the registrant of that is going to have a different email address?
The complainant will also have to file two DRS because there are two different registrants?
Are you sure this occurs? There's the section in the Nominet RRA relating to Accredited Channel Partners taking over domain names and requiring explicit content. Have you any examples of this occurring or not occuring?
Godaddy's explaination says "If a domain name registered with us after May 2, 2005 expires, we automatically list it for auction on GoDaddy Auctions® 25 days later".
On the auctions page it says "Announcing more expiry domains from international registrars Auctions has added domains from 123 Reg, Heart Internet, Domain Factory and Host Europe."
However when I go to select Popular > Expiring > I can't see any .uk at the moment
Customers getting pi**ed off and voting with their feet? Name me some brands that you know Godaddy have bought....
From the latest deal Domain Monster has been closed already: