awesome replies
sorry didn't get back before
thanks so much for going into details about your experiences Sean
first off what i take from it is you and your wife must have a very strong realtionship to try it, go through it and come out other side
also how close you are to your daughter, escorting her home and doing full round trip
all this is priceless, far more important than even the trip being a paradise or money
as far as finances, you have enough great domains, a few back to back sales enduser style is all it takes
I have been sweden many times and love it, but I notice you say being winter person, I'm very much not , not sun worshipper either but summers in sweden are glorious and they love their summers
you're right is a myth about sweden people think is land of milk and honey but have their own problems and do lack compassion
they're not big animal lovers like us for example, can tell a story later to perfectly show that
I used to live with my swedish gf, was going to move out there many moons ago
I would still holiday there, again summer, cabin near the lake
tranas is a beautiful place, you may know it
lake sommen
see the problem in uk it is SO damn expensiv e and all the land is owned by royalty, rich landowners, planning laws are so draconian it is not an option for an average person to have a summer house
that would releive a lot of tensions in p[eoples everyday lives in uk
POOR people this is standard to have this in many countries
go to ukraine, they all have dachas, some tumbledown, but pretty much your average working clas sperosn has a little cottage
/.shack with an allotment in the country
same in nz
everyone i met there has a batch as they call it
used to live with some kiwis in london in my house
great people
as much as we knock it uk is deffo in top 10 places to live in world, but I am incredibly concerned where its going
the best option again is to travel a lot and take long holidays in wonderful places , however this isn't an option for most, because of work or MONEY
so many take the plunge, have to, and sell up and go
end of the day, it takes a lot of bravery, most will never do it
even if it doesnt work out, you still did it mate
thanks for the accounts, really appreciate when people talk from heart
@ prodomains I will pm at some point as great to hear how things are on the ground