I love the narrow mindedness and contradictory nature of your post above. its not a personal attack so please view this objectively...
You are in one hand saying you dont see any problems with what you are doing now... and then say you lost a five figure income with penguin.
Well there you go... did you see penguin coming? I bet you couldnt see any problems with what you were doing then either? Am I right?
have you thought about why EMD's with no links/afew are ranking so well right now? Its because google is now weighting links in your profile... all the other sites around you are at a disadvantage as they have links that are pulling them down... you come in with something freshish and right now you are ranking.
When Google levels that one out and addresses the balance will you have seen the oncoming train and lose another 5 figure income a month??
Dont get me wrong..if you are happy to run your affairs like that then all the best mate

Its a great income to make without having to really do any work
I dunno why i'm wasting my time trying to make people see the light tbh. I lost £55k a month with penguin...bye bye. I'm small fry compared to some other people I know who have lost several million in lost income due to this...
Not letting something like that happen again so I too feel the pain but i'm not building my home on the flood plain..again... i might get my toes wet but i wont be swept away!