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EU Referendum

Acorn EU Poll

  • Remain

    Votes: 28 30.1%
  • Leave

    Votes: 57 61.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 8 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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It does reduce the number of homes available for people on the lowest income. If people have the means to afford a mortgage, why not buy in the private sector in the first place?

Because it's their home? Very simply, it's a policy that has helped encourage people on lower earnings to own their first property, which is a good thing. It also helps turn over local government property stock, which is a good way of avoiding sink estates.

Yawn - If you are so bored, why comment?

Because you post comments as if they are factual. If you aren't pulled up on the errors you make, other people might believe it.

More lazy and incorrect anti-conservative vitriol - Who said that I am not a conservative voter? Vitriol? My language has not been vitriolic. Check a dictionary. My comments are my points of view.

You're right, it wasn't vitriol. I need a thesaurus. :)
Depends how people vote in the next election. If people want stronger controls then they can vote for it, if they want less controls then they can vote for it.

You cannot vote on bits of EU legislation. You can only vote in to all of it, or out. If we remain full members of the EU, uncontrollable immigration is here to stay until the rest of the EU catches up with the UK's quality of life.
We don't know that - you cannot say that.

Get real. We've had our negotiation and got diddly-squat. The only way to regain control is by being self-governing again, or perhaps through the shock that an out vote creates among other EU members.

(If you can guarantee it, can I have Fridays lottery numbers please).

Don't be facetious :)

If it is to remain, the UK government has a mighty weapon to go the EU with ... by showing the strength of feeling in the UK, perhaps threatening another referendum. The UK is not alone in the EU among countries who want change and development, and would have support.

Don't be naive :)

If we vote to remain, the EU will have a mandate for the next 30 years to continue nibbling away at sovereignty. It's only through a vote to leave that anything will change.
explain to me what is “Bulldog spirit”?

I can show you what it is not...


Because it's their home? Very simply, it's a policy that has helped encourage people on lower earnings to own their first property, which is a good thing. It also helps turn over local government property stock, which is a good way of avoiding sink estates.

I choose to disagree ... and I also don't believe that the be all and end of all is owning your own property.

Because you post comments as if they are factual. If you aren't pulled up on the errors you make, other people might believe it.

As I do for your posts.
Don't be facetious :)

Hey, you are the one who said you know what was going to happen.
No one knows, it is all speculation according to which expert you choose to believe in.

Don't be naive :)
If we vote to remain, the EU will have a mandate for the next 30 years to continue nibbling away at sovereignty. It's only through a vote to leave that anything will change.
Don't be facetious :)

Again that is speculation. I speculate differently according to the experts that I choose to believe in.
Change is going to happen whatever the outcome.
Hey, you are the one who said you know what was going to happen.
No one knows, it is all speculation according to which expert you choose to believe in.

You see if you can find anyone else who says that we can vote remain and somehow gain control of immigration/sovereignty.

Those two things are entirely mutually exclusive.
Already by then investment in the NHS and Education had started reducing as per head of GDP.

When there is a surge in population, it is inevitable that spend per head of population will decrease. It takes 10 years+ for infrastructure investment & delivery to start catching up. Look at the levels of known immigration we have to cope with...


err. ... who said that we were skint? GDP per head has reached pre-crash levels:
GDP is income, not profit :rolleyes:


Even the bunch of lefties you cite admit; "There is no single ‘correct’ answer to the question of how much immigrants contribute to public finances"

Find me an independent study that includes stuff like child benefit (£1,800 a year for 2 kids), £2k per baby born on the NHS, £7,000 per year per child education & 30 hours free childcare a week @£10/hr. per child and I'll reconsider my opinion.

Why would immigration improve or not an economy?? Nothing to do with immigration.
Make your bloody mind up. You just said immigrants are net contributors, ffs. :mad:

Greek economy improving:

Yeah, it's going well. o_O

Debt per Citizen
Interest per Second

Debt as % of GDP


EU Economy okay according to World Bank:

Isn't QE great? :eek:

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You see if you can find anyone else who says that we can vote remain and somehow gain control of immigration/sovereignty.

Those two things are entirely mutually exclusive.

I was replying to this statement of yours:

The first is what has already happened because we lost control of it. The second is what might happen if we don't regain control of it

Re the "first" - it is open to debate as to whether immigration has been the main cause of low wages; NHS issues; School place shortages; Homes shortages; etc. Yes, they will have added to the issues, but I believe that the issues were already there before the increase in immigration started and that immigration merely compounded the problems that the UK were already building up for itself - the financial crash didn't help either!

Re the "second" - We don't know what concessions will have to be made to get the trade deals the UK needs. We just don't know. There is loads of speculation about different models we could copy etc ... but we do not know whether some sovereignty may still have to be sacrificed for the overall benefit of the UK.

Voting remain with a narrow margin may be a signal to the EU ... I don't know (I admit it), but it is a possibility. If we stay in the EU there has to be change - that is an agreement with everyone on the remain side.
This is a great video, well worth a watch.

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Just a quick question, lets say we vote to remain in the EU and things went downhill in EU within five years, is it not possible for our parliament to get us out of EU without a referendum?
This is a great video, well worth a watch.

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Something I noted in the video, this is about population( or immigration for some section of this argument), UK population was 55M and the US was 200M at that time and today, the UK population is about 65M and the US is about 320M.

UK population has grown about 20% in the last 40 years while the US has grown about 50% in the same period.

Just an observation, not sure it has anything to do with IN or OUT but the video did mention few things that are been mentioned today though.
Just a quick question, lets say we vote to remain in the EU and things went downhill in EU within five years, is it not possible for our parliament to get us out of EU without a referendum?
Hardly. We would have voted in 1975 and again 2016.
lets say we vote to remain in the EU and things went downhill in EU within five years, is it not possible for our parliament to get us out of EU without a referendum?
Yes it's possible. Whether it would be politically expedient is another matter.
The problem is with immigration, it doesn't currently adversely affect more than 50% of the population. Most people have no vision and by the time it does affect more than 50% of the population it will be too late.
When there is a surge in population, it is inevitable that spend per head of population will decrease. It takes 10 years+ for infrastructure investment & delivery to start catching up. Look at the levels of known immigration we have to cope with...


Remembering that that is the total immigration, roughly half EU and half non-EU which the UK has always been in charge of. But the UK hasn't even started "catching up" - it has chosen to spend less on what most people regard as essential services. My point is simply that services are not simply stretched because of immigrants - they were/are stretched because they have been underfunded for so long and the current government seems to want to continue underfunding.

GDP is income, not profit :rolleyes:

But still a good indicator of the health of a country. I sit corrected.

Even the bunch of lefties you cite admit

You mean that you don't like their fact checking ... they are independent

There is no single ‘correct’ answer to the question of how much immigrants contribute to public finances"

You have taken one line out of complete context and by doing so have altered it's interpretation ...
People should really read the whole page:

The simply fact is that the Greek economy has improved, coming from a terrible position:

Greece has weathered a perfect storm, caught between the debt and financial crisis and an influx of refugees that has overwhelmed an already overstretched state. Tough decisions have been made. Only recently the Greek parliament voted through an ambitious pension reform that imposes further cuts on already reduced pensions, and a fiscal package exceeding 3 per cent of GDP, completing the gigantic fiscal adjustment begun in 2010. This adjustment has resulted in an improvement in the general government structural primary balance of more than 20 per cent of GDP. The current account has also improved accordingly.
You cannot vote on bits of EU legislation. You can only vote in to all of it, or out. If we remain full members of the EU, uncontrollable immigration is here to stay until the rest of the EU catches up with the UK's quality of life.

We wouldn't be in the eu if we voted out, the election after we leave is the one you get the policies you want.

Weather immigration goes up or down will depend on which party gets in.

At least we get a choice if we leave
It's a funding & demand thing.

Because of all the austerity cuts, look at where our Government spends money.

The Greek crisis was brought on by excess government spending, current account deficits and tax avoidance, not immigration?

I think you need to stick to your debate for Leave and stop all these other statements about Government, Blair, Corbyn etc, because as much as you make good point for Leave you also make rubbish comments about every other thing else.

Like I said to you in my previous post keep this argument to IN or OUT and stop bringing government policies that has nothing to do with IN or OUT.

Look at your recent statements about Corbyn, he is full of hate, he hate Blair, he hate Monarch and he hate capitalism, did you speak with him and he told you that he hate all these. You sat in front of your TV and PC and you make up your opinion on people. I cannot remember him saying he hate anybody talk less of the ones above. Not liking or not agreeing with people or a thing does not mean hate.

Making a 'thing' out of Corbyn voting against the government is what is wrong with our democracy, you have a parliament that we elect our MPs to serve us, still they can’t vote freely, they have to go with the WHIP which is appointed by the leader of the party who happen to be appointed by his party members and he only get to be PM because his party won more MP than the others, which means we now have a leader we did not vote for, who appoint a WHIP to make sure that every other MPs support his policies and when they don’t, they are called rebels. If you don’t notice, we have the likes of Jeremy Corbyn on both sides and that’s politics.

You are able to tell us that Corbyn voted 500 times against his government, are you able to tell us how many times did he voted for the government policies or that does not matter since it does not fit into your smear campaign on Corbyn.

How can he hate capitalism, you are so wrong on this one, did he told you this too? He has a different opinion to the current capitalism so is many people and there is nothing wrong in that. He does not have to be right but the current one we have now is what is creating the same issues you mentioned above, poverty, student loans, the disabled etc. If Corbyn has not won the Labour party leadership, the previous opposition are already following the government line of Austerity, it was Corbyn that makes the government to have a U-turn on cuts including welfare cuts, that’s not hate that somebody looking after less fortunate.

If you speak with people in the city, they will tell you that some of Corbyn’s ideas were spot on, the city don’t turn against current government, they just follow the line, if they are allowed to, they will have said the same thing, that you can’t grow an economy by borrowing to funds cut.

Another lie from Cameron, is that Labour borrow too much, that’s a total lie, labour borrow in the last two years of their government because the global economy belly up, not in their whole 13 years of government, in fact they borrow less in that period per GDP than any other period of any government.

While we are still talk about borrowing, this government led by Cameron doubled our debt of 100 years in their first five years in government, now that’s borrowing on steroid but Cameron still have the gut to say the last government borrowed too much, he can say that because people like you just follow the sound bites and not the fact, people like you pick the bit that suits them. Off cause you are going to tell me that the austerity measures are necessary and I will reply ‘rubbish’.

Go and do your own research on government borrowing and see who borrowed the most in the last 70 years, if you care about the truth or just want to keep spinning the spin, you will find out Conservatives always borrow more than Labour but the news is always Labour borrow too much so we can’t trust them on economy.

There is no way anyone who is in disagreement with Blair or Cameron to be seen laughing with him, these guys have taken us to wars that is still a problem for the world today and Cameron is still hurting the poor.

look at Libya, the best economy in Africa, employing over 3 Million ( half of Libya population) foreign workers, hardly any poverty, better welfare system that the UK, better life expectancy than the UK, look at what Cameron has turn the place to under the pretense of democracy and you think it’s best to be seen having a joke in public with a guy like that? You don’t have to hate Cameron but there is nothing to like either.

Cameron said how he will help the poor, but cut welfare and introduce bedroom tax, Cameron said how will hell NHS, he appoint a MP that co-author a book on privatisation of the NHS and an advocate of NHS privatisation. Your guy Cameron said I will help the pensioners, he removed fuel subsidies, your guy said I will help the poor to go to university, he increase fees to £9000 and yet they are about to increase that again.

You should direct your hanger to Cameron and not Corbyn, I don’t believe he has an ounce of hate in him, at least you can’t accuse him of milking the system, and milking the system is what a lot of the MPs are doing including conservative’s lots.

Actually you should be worshiping Corbyn if you have genuine concern for the poor like you stated because he is the one that is forcing the government to make changes not Cameron.

Why can’t an MP be allowed to vote against government policies they do not agree with, why? I am sure a lot of the conservatives MP that voted for the disable cuts don’t agree with it but have to vote for it because they are following the WHIP.

If it was not for people like Corbyn we might still have issue with the IRA, they have sing for decades that you need to talk with your enemy to resolve the issues but because we have bigger guns than them we thing we can talk down on them and force them on their kneels and bomb our way to victory. We bomb Afghanistan for 14 years now we are looking to talk to the Taliban, people like Corbyn knows we have bigger fire power than these guys, which means we can keep it as our absolute last option but people like Cameron thinks we can go and bomb ( while making money for the defense industries) the hell out of people and take victory. We have ruin lives and you are here stating people that vote against war, people that have little or no ounce of violence in them are the one that are full of hate.

please don’t go around and accuse people like Corbyn of hate, I can agree with you on some of your points but this one you need to stop making statements that are totally false.

Also your argument on sovereignty is becoming boring as well but I wont expand on this one but if you want I will.

You talk rubbish about immigration increasing the population the size of Newcastle every year, you stated this countless of times now, and the word 'infinitum' may times now, is the UK population growing at 300k every year in the last 20 years. NO, will it grow at this rate for the next 20 years. don't think so either.

If the conservatives have not come up with policy to sell social housing and stop more social housing from been build, we wont be in the situation we are in and yes, there are space to build more housing, schools, hospitals roads to accommodate the 300k per year. Go and do your own research about the % of built up areas in the UK.

The next policy that will destroy the poorer part of the UK is coming to force very soon, when all the council are now allowed to keep all their revenues, places like London will now have more money and poorer cities will start becoming sh*t hole very soon. Please don't blame Labour or Corbyn for this, its the conservatives that you voted for that come up with silly policies like this.

You are the one that keep blaming the government and every one that supports remain campaign, did you read your previous statements, and are those not blaming government?

Also just to let you know some of your statements are racist, there is nothing like “WHITE BRITAIN” and that is a racist comment; if you think it not go ask your neighbour who is not white what he thinks about preserving WHITE BRITAIN.

Please explain to me what is “Bulldog spirit”? and don't come back with Daily Mail cr*p.

You were doing quite well until the immigration bit because obviously all this is about opinion.
However when you got to immigration, then you are denying the facts. The reason we have not seen immigration at 333,000 for 20 years was because the countries providing us with the migrants were not members. Will it remain that high for the next 20 years ? the answer is no, it will definitely increase, as it has done for the years since underprivileged nations have joined. So population swell every year by the amount of a city the size of Newcastle or every 3 years the size of Birmingham. 1,000,000 every 3 years not including offspring which will probably double that amount. Make no mistake this is the biggest challenge this country has in the future. It's OK blaming government, but they won't be able to stop it and have no hope of providing housing.
To those on this thread drawing attention to immigration - I'd be interested to know what you believe to be the reason that Britain has not halted the rise of non-EU immigration?

We're constantly told that immigration is the number one subject of concern to voters, so presumably to lower at least non-EU immigration would be an enormous vote winner, no? So why is it not happening? From a Tory government, no less.
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