I think after talking the markets down and exaggerating the position his days are numbered. Don't forget you are predecting financial mayhem, markets tumbling and end to life as we know it.
Although below Paul Johnson of the IFS, who you were a great believer in before does not agree with you.
If we turned out to have a 20-40 billion pound
hit to the public finances that would be a much smaller hit than
the effect of the 2008 recession, it would be below the
downgrades to the forecasts made by the OBR between the
budgets in 2011 and 2013. We have coped with those. In fact –
they are the Treasury themselves forecast that if we leave the
recession will be the shallowest since 1956. It is not Armageddon.
What if the more pessimistic predictions turned our right if we stayed in and 1000,000 people come to England , Not Scotland , Not Wales, to England every 3 or 4 years. And on top of that millions more come to Europe because Turkey are sending them as a punishment for not letting them join the EU until the year 3000. And if Greece bombs again and is joined by Italy and if most EU states decide to close their borders to everyone so all new arrivals can only go to Germany, and if the far right gain control of Germany because Merkel simply cannot hold on to power because of the mess she caused and if EU cannot get rid of the heads of it's government because it is not democratic and the whole thing is in turmoil .
Would you still want to press on because certain institutions get generous funding from the EU that they probably would not get the UK electorate to agree to.
We have all got our own reasons to leave or stay, it's just some are more forthright than others at admitting what they are.
My reasons are sovereignty.
Sovereignty is fine, but lets not get muddled up with the others
Accpeting sovereignty but that with it comes a potential big hit economically is also fine