I'm thinking you are just a plant.I'm starting to think you're a Remain plant
I'm thinking you are just a plant.I'm starting to think you're a Remain plant
Yeah? Well you're a poopoohead
domainers are largely 'older gentlemen'. Is there anyone here under 40?
Yeah? Well you're a poopoohead
The money from the Common Agricultural Policy is the only thing keeping many farmers afloat. That would dry up if we brexit.
(BTW Vote Leave also promised to cover the loss of C.A.P funding by spending the savings from leaving the EU on it. That's the exact same savings that are supposedly going to plug every other hole in the sinking ship post-brexit.)
So where are we tonight?
We will never be anywhere else but in Europe , but you wouldn't understand that.Europe![]()
Trust us.
Why would we trust you? You are a self proclaimed expert of nothing, who has spent 40 years reading all the newspapers without being able to deduce which ones write trash. You appear bitter at the way the UK has turned out, and so are venting your dissatisfaction by blaming the EU for just about everything.
You snort nostalgia, dreaming of listening to the sound of leather on willow whilst spitfires wing tip you overhead. You're the guy down the pub that blames the police for crime, and the council for dog shit, without any reference to logic. You're the guy that sneers at those that learn, and apply learning. You assume all failings are due to the wicked intelligentsia keeping you down.
We've all met you. We've just never been asked to trust you before with such a decision. I realise that is partly why you are for leave, but it is not a comfortable feeling.
Bringing the nazis into it is just crazy
The economic argument
Represented by Oliver Morrissey, School of Economics, whose research interests include trade policy and the political economy of policy reform.
“Immigration is one of the main reasons for the referendum. For centuries, Britain has welcomed immigrants. While it’s economically successful, we can absorb them and they provide a net benefit. But that’s the past. It’s becoming harder to get full-time, well-paid stable employment - an increasing proportion of the labour force is in low-wage, temporary, zero-hour contracts. Immigration is a factor in causing that – as well as creating pressure on the education and health systems. People want some degree of regulation – the fact that the EU prevents that is a legitimate reason to vote to leave.
“It’s misleading to claim there won’t be costs for trade, but it’s equally misleading to claim these costs will be large. If Britain leaves the EU it will have to renegotiate existing trading relations with countries around the world that have been negotiated as part of the European Union. However, as the fifth largest economy in the world it’s likely to be in the interests of Britain’s trading partners to look for an agreement that is more or less a continuation of the existing relationship. There are structures within the WTO that would help that to happen. The US would find that of interest, as would many other nations – they don’t want the unnecessary extra costs of renegotiation.
“Put simply, the EU is not working. It’s not working on its economic policy, it’s got a deficit of democracy and a surfeit of regulation. It’s too rigid and not flexible enough. If Britain votes to exit, it’s the wakeup call the rest of Europe needs.”
Oooh, you're so close!
Forget trade, immigration and money - these are smokescreens.
Look into the founders of the EU.
Look into Walter Hallstein.
Look into IG Farben (also their connection with Auschwitz) and BASF, Bayer AG etc.
Look into Prescot Bush (daddy of George and granddad to George W) and his role in funding the Nazis.
There is a bigger picture that isn't being discussed anywhere, especially on here. Which is scary given the internet-savy nature of people on this site....still relying on controlled media for your knowledge and info.
Forgot to mention .
Murdock came in with his newspaper for Brexit. He loves to back a winner in elections.
Oooh, you're so close!
Forget trade, immigration and money - these are smokescreens.
Look into the founders of the EU.
Look into Walter Hallstein.
Look into IG Farben (also their connection with Auschwitz) and BASF, Bayer AG etc.
Look into Prescot Bush (daddy of George and granddad to George W) and his role in funding the Nazis.
There is a bigger picture that isn't being discussed anywhere, especially on here. Which is scary given the internet-savy nature of people on this site....still relying on controlled media for your knowledge and info.
He'll be so pleased .Ironically Oliver Morrissey is an EU immigrantThis is not an entirely outlandish position, but the vast majority (90%+) of economists disagree with it
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