Good Morning - DotCymru - Welcome to the Forum. Thanks for posting a lot of interesting information. Just got a couple of questions for the moment.
I was disturbed that your request under the Freedom of Information Act failed. A number of people have made such requests about and useful information was released. Have you no right of appeal on this? It seems grossly unfair to me.
Graeme on here suggested that there may be an opportunity for someone to refer Nominet's actions on .Wales to the oft. He pasted some relevant passages in respect of anti-competitive behaviour, abuse of a dominant position etc. It seems likely that Nominet are using existing funds (funds provided by existing .uk registrants) to throw at the .wales and .cymru launch. It will be an expensive project and a lot of us believe, that it will be subsidised for many years to come. I believe you had the right to a level playing field when competing for the .cymru domain. Have you considered referring this to the oft.
It seems that Nominet only really wanted .wales whereas you, it appears, were interested in .cymru. As you represent the Welsh speaking section of your society why couldn't the two domains be run separately. I'm still not saying its right that Nominet run .wales from England but it would certainly seem a lot fairer that .cymru was still allocated to your organisation and run by you in Wales. Seems that .cymru would be a lot more popular extension if it was run in that way.
What do you make of Nominet's original promise of running an office in Wales with nine staff (there was a release by the Welsh Government saying this)? Are nominet reneging on this promise. Have you seen the latest information on Nominet which suggests outsourcing the customer service and giving just 4 hours a week of customer service after 6 months. It doesn't make sense to us. What do you think?
I'm sure we'll all have a lot more questions but that's the first ones I can think of.
Kind regards,
Good morning Nigel,
We did consider complaining to the OFT but didn't have the time or money to do so and was unable to find a lawyer or barrister to do it pro bono. Not only will Nominet use current funds for the launch but they used a considerable amount of funds from selling .uk domains to kill our venture. Whereas we depended on volunteers until the Government gave the us money they had promised us to fund us, Nominet paid a lobbying company from Cardiff (Positif Politics), paid for research and public survey (which were biased to how Nominet staff in Oxford thought what the Welsh people needed) and created a Welsh Advisory Committee. These would have cost a very considerable amount. On top of that they had to pay one of the members of the Advisory Committee to travel to meet Welsh politicians in Cardiff and London to lie about dotCYM's intent. Glen Hayward from Nominet was usually visiting the politicians as well I believe, and possibly Barroness Fritchie.
I only had time to meet a few politicians, and it was much more difficult to organise it since I didn't have a powerful lobbying group behind me. Every politician I met was disgusted by the lies they had been told by Nominet and each one promised to help in some way or other. For example, they would write to Edwina Hart, the Minister in Wales responsible for a Welsh TLD, or they would write to Ed Vaizey, since he was responsible for giving the applicant a letter of no objection. Edwina Hart's response would be "it's a fair fight between both parties, may the best man win", and this is what she told Ed Vaizey who would respond in the same way to these politicians. This would have been a great way for the Conservative party to embarrass the Labour Party in Wales, but Ed Vaizey knows Nominet well, has talked in their events and may even be Lesley Cowley's MP, although I haven't confirmed that.
As for the FoI, I have appealed once and failed but now have the chance to appeal to the Information Commissioner but I've been holding back for nearly a year because I haven't had time to prepare a strong appeal and I would like some legal advise to maximise my chances of succeeding but don't have the money to do that. I'll read Graeme's notes to see if they can be of use with the FoI or the OFT. As for dotCYM Ltd the company, we've closed it down since there was no purpose to it other than to run the Welsh TLD.
There was no point in us running .cymru and Nominet running .wales. I think that anyone who buys a .wales domain should get the .cymru domain with it, and vice-versa. It would only dilute the Welsh brand online if they competed against each other. But we would have been happy to apply for both but it would cost $185,000 extra for the application.
This is another way that the Government ensured that we wouldn't be able to compete against Nominet. We had a loan ready for $185,000 for the application in case the Government changed its mind and refused to fund us. But the RFP required that both domains would be applied for which they knew would leave us $185,000 short. They also released the RFP just before Christmas with a deadline very early in January, making it impossible for us to talk to anyone regarding funding since companies were closed and people on holiday.
I hadn't heard about Nominet's promised to have a staff of 9 in Wales or the 4 hour customer service. The staff of 9 seems quite a lot for such a small domain when all the technical work is done in Oxford. 4 hours of customer service is ridiculous! That must be joke.
Nominet said to the politicians that they would run the Welsh TLD at no profit at all, with all profits re-invested in the Welsh economy. This is exactly what we had said for years, but the difference of course is our definition of profits. No one at the Welsh Government will check how they work out their profits. Lesleys £250,000+ salary has to be paid first and I'm sure that the overheads with the bloated company in Oxford are going to be huge. And they'll have to pay the consultant and lobbyists and their Advisory Committee.
A note on the Advisory Committee that they created. Whereas our AC was going to be made up of experts in Welsh business, IT, culture, etc. they created an AC made up of a few friends of the Welsh Labour Government, including an ex-Minister who's one of Edwina Hart's best friends, Andrew Davies. They threw in a stereotypical ex-rugby player to please the masses as well as an ex-Conservative AM who was most probably desperate to be on a Board or Committee, whether it was beneficial to Wales or not. So they created an AC that would buy them the TLD, whereas we naively wanted an AC that would be able to advise us wisely on the running of a TLD.