I'm travelling and offline the next 2 days, so I won't know what I get from today. (I'm on Mastermind and they're filming tomorrow.)
Just want to wish you all good luck.
It's been great to see the way people have interacted, sometimes helping each other out. And to see how people have used their initiative to get domains they want.
I'm non-techy and a nurse. That's what I do. But I like getting domains I want to develop as little websites. And I've always managed to get pretty nice domains by doing research and being sneaky. I love people who tinker and manage workarounds.
This forum has been helpful to me and friendly (I've actually been on it since 2011, I previously used 'Susannah' as my username, but I forgot my details so I re-reg'd... shambolic! Simon at Dropcatcher got me 4 good domains I really wanted. I've used other sources too, overall haul: 11 domains out of 31 targets. Pretty happy with that. My favourite catches were probably Christ.uk and Susannah.uk (seeing as it's my name).
Hope today goes well for you!