Then why doesn't Nominet ask them James?
They do it with the Registrant satisfaction survey so why not the Foundation?
Why do you make everything sound like you're spitting it?
I agree with you. I think Nominet should ask them. Then again, Nominet already does, and on an ongoing basis. Futher to that, I agree with the idea of a Member and even Registrant Liaison Officer whose purpose would be to ensure Members and Registrants understood more about Nominet, its communication's processes, what it does, why it does it, and to feed back to Nominet what they get told by Members and Registrants.
Also 1.2 million of those names I now look after at work - how does Pipex get a say in how the money is spent?
Don't Pipex have an ongoing dialogue with Nominet? I was under the impression they did and I was under the impression Nominet is proactive in seeking opinion from all its registrars, particulary those with most voting power?
What if they wanted £2.5 million to give to charity or to setup their own foundation?
I'd love to see it, it would bring immense returns in terms of good public relations for Pipex (brand awareness) and be of enormous benefit to the people they serve.
Who spends money on promoting and managing .uk and makes nothing on them?
Don't confuse being a Nominet Member with being a Nominet Registrar. A 'for profit' registrar may promote domain names as a loss leader (or at low cost) to entice the purchase of their value added services so they can make a profit. Being a Nominet Member and a Nominet Registrar are not the same.
I have often said that as members of the .uk registry (which IMO is the people's registry) we are all bound by a common purpose, that of the registry's mission statement and objectives. It is as Registrars that we make loads wonga through our own endeavours. The two, in my opinion, are not inextricably joined at the hip. One is a community objective, the other is a commercial 'let's make loadsa money' objective. The problem is that most 'for profit' registrars do not see it that way, even though the logistics of membership suggest the members should support the community objectives of the Registry.
Why is the money not spent on making the registry systems stable? Why did the December renewals go wrong? Why is there not FREE online transfers? Why is there one DAC to share between 4 brands? Why is Nominet XML not EPP?
What do they actually get out of all of this?........capped voting rights? Oh yeah and by the next AGM the mem & arts changed so the members lose control forever:
Board = 3 appointed + 3 elected + 3 employed
These are concerns I agree with and openly too. But just as members may be concerned they will "lose control" of Nominet, so The Board may be concerned the Membership will 'lose control' if Nominet is captured by a subset of the registrar community.
If that happened, it could well mean the end to small registrars and level playing fields, because The NEW Board could change the membership fees or create a situation where it only dealt with big registrars a la ICANN style. The question that needs to be asked is, would limiting the choice of registrants be in the interest of the wider community? It might be, I don't know, but the prospect of the people's registry being run by a subjective group of people with only self-interests in mind leaves me cold.
Now we're into other issues than just the Foundation, but the answers are just as important as the questions (from a community perspective that is).