Could you please point to where this is minuted in the PAB reports?
It wasn't 'minuted' per se because there was no PAB Resolution or advice offered to the Board although there were an awful lot of nodding heads around the PAB table. So to paraphrase what me learned friend once wrote to me; 'neither agreeing or disagreeing with much of what you say' I will simply say that the PAB, at that time, took the course it felt best for the community. Conspiracy theories may seem like suitable political ploys in discussions like this, but there was no conspiracy to defraud the community (not even Acorn Domains) out of a policy dicussion, though spookily enough, we're having it now (and you know Nominet reads these threads).
Yes, the Board is responsible for operational matters. I do not agree with you that the decision to set up a Foundation (into which it seems £5 million per annum will be paid) is an operational matter - I think is is pretty obviously about as big a policy change as one has seen for a while from Nominet.
If,as you state above, the current PAB agreed that the shortest possible consultation period conducted in the run up to Christmas then I would not vote for anyone who supported that decision.
Beasty, my main man, you sometimes bewilder the heck out of me. Everything I have said on this forum is as factual as I can be (given my age and zimmer frame) and I already pointed out that the Membership gave Nominet the thumbs up on the creation of a Foundation.
I accept you would not vote for anyone who supported that decision, except, you'd not be voting for the majority of the Membership of which I am only one. Co-incidentally, I remember at a particular Member debate about Governance that most Members in the room expressed favour for the Nominet Foundation. Some didn't, but they didn't speak up and preferred to mutter their disgruntlement to the person next to them; a member sat in front of me did this continually.
And by the by, I am sure you will recall the meeting I mention above, you were sat next to me.
So, it's a tad ironic to say that Nominet did not consult, when they were consulting as far back as that meeting.
Best wishes
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