@Derek Course you dont, Only a coward hides behind the smoke!
Anyway... as for me having success... your damn right i did and like i said to nominet, While they let people like UKBO accumulate 40+ tags its leaves others no option but to take extreme measures.
However, given everyone assumed i was cheating as Rob advertised i told nominet exactly what i was doing and exactly what many others are doing... it was some shitty flaw's that has since been patched as i gave them step by step instructions on how to replicate and fix the flaw's... i also knew this would fix it for me however i knew some others would have also noticed it and thus also be patched for them....
In doing so i knew it would leave 1 main player... Rob and all his tags and no flaws would be available to compete (For myself and for many others using them) and therefore everyone would get pissed off with constantly loosing to rob.. which is exactly what is happening now!
Ive also passed on many logs and conversations to nominet between me and some of Robs members who have been leaking info and i believe nominet have now realized just how big the problem really is and therefore have took immediate intervention which is a direct result of UKBO... and thats just a fact.