Its said that America the worlds biggest economy fears primarily ever having to fight two major wars on two fronts simultaneously. It's never happened and they don't even model war on 3 fronts.
UK faces Pandemic economic meltdown, Brexit, Trade Talks simultaneously. Now the worlds richest and profitable businesses want to stay afloat by setting up their staff at home. Effectively removing them from normal society. Removing them from the journey in, the journey home, the restaurants, cafes, bars, in-town high streets and retail parks. Their cars won't break down or need replacing as often cos when will they get used? They'll need less holidays cos well they won't be so stressed going into town will they? They won't need to wine and dine as much cos they got no kudos gain from doing so anymore. They won't need as many clothes, or shoes.
Now imagine in another realm there was a digital Corona Virus, right in Acorn. And all the best domainers, the most successful and knowledgeable domainers all disappeared into the Premium Lounge where they and their families were safe. Popping out now and again but only ever briefly, leaving the rest of us domainers in the normal threads with digital Corona all over the place and an acorn economy struggling for oxygen?
You put the rest, the majority, where they can have all the crap but none of the upward role models driving normal folk to greater personal aspiration that leads to growth.
Probably haven't explained that as eloquently as some could but that to me is the danger of Work from Home. Ramifications across the entire economy could mean UK ends up battling economically on 4 fronts simultaneously.
Yet what is known now is that Employees of the Banks, Tech firms, major firms, digital sme's have all said yaaaay to Working From Home and most if reports are to be believed wish to do so permanently and with that UK can kiss goodbye to the UK highstreet, possibly spectator sport, and quite a few other things. The medicine ends up killing the patient as you strangle off the last bastions of social mobility and trickle-down economics.