Car crashes wouldn't happen at all if everybody driving;
- Gave 100% focus to the road and their surroundings.
- Rested adequately so they don't fall asleep at the wheel.
- Avoid reaction inhibiting substances (alcohol or drugs).
- Kept within speed limits.
- Kept their vehicles well maintained and replaced wearing parts.
Basically, if everybody realised they were in partial control of a machine that causes death, then accidents wouldn't happen. If all of the above were taken into account, there would be very little need for a seat belt in the first instance.
You keep going on about masks as if they are some sort of silver bullet.
People have been asked to stay home. For the most part, government are actually paying people 80% of their salary to make this possible (yes, there are edge cases), but people are treating this like a fucking holiday.
If we can't get people to stay at home when they are being paid to do it, and a considerable amount of people don't follow the law regarding driving a car safely, what hope in hell do we have of 100% of people wearing masks correctly, and washing their hands and surfaces correctly to eradicate this virus?
Drop the "everyone should wear masks, then everything can get back to normal".
Normal doesn't exist anymore. I'm not entirely convinced it will ever return to how things were before the pandemic hit. If it does, then it will happen again.
EVERYBODY needs to take responsibility for themselves and recognise their failings, accept them, change their mindset and lifestyle, and
be considerate to others. Otherwise we've learned nothing and we won't move forward.