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Deleting domains

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J2theIZZO said:
And the question remains, why does this effect you?....I know it doesn't effect two of us so far so that rules out your "all" statement.

It does affect everyone including Nominet. If you go to register a domain and it has been taken you've lost the domain. I for one did not know that what I should be doing is going back 4 weeks later to see if it is suddenly available again as the commercial trawlers have decided they now don't want it. That's not right.

It affects Nominet as they are potentially losing revenue on real people trying to register. Rather than raising invoices to see them cancelled to then have to detag the name again and we are not talking a couple of names, we are looking at hundreds (at least) every month.

Until I came to this forum 4 weeks ago, I didn't even know or existed. I had to use a local registrars whois to register. How many more people like me are there out there? ...... Thousands, and we are the people that buy to keep, not snag to see if it is going to make ppc clicks before I decide it is no good to me. You cannot call this fair.
grantw said:
As I said in the deleted thread, I suspect that the person in question may have caught a few domains that other people wanted and they are now hitting back under this 'Nominet Police - we're all for the community' guise.Grant

Grant. You hit the nail on the head. There will be hundreds of people out there that have lost out to the commercial fisherman. That's fine, but what is not right is they get to sit on them for a few weeks to see if they make them money before they throw them back into the sea. That is unfair to all. That is what people are complaining about.

And it is not only confined to one TAG holder.
scooter said:
Whats happened?

I come back from the dentist and find it's not only a tooth that's been pulled!

Admin: I think pulling the thread was wrong. If anything you should have pulled the post by me showing a particular TAG holders cancelled stats over a 2 day period. The thread was very relavant. It was showing Nominets failure to police what is happening on a daily basis.

This is not limited to one TAG holder. A quick 30 second look on and I can see at least one more. This is an important issue. They are the top end players and what they do affects us all and it should be highlighted for Nominet to see as they do come to this forum and they have stated it does not happen.

Would it be better if I took a whole weeks stats for all TAG holders who purchased within the seven days. Then there is no bias. Just strait forward full blown stats. Would you allow this to be posted?

Scooter, you are quite new here but I have been here many times before with people critising me for pulling threads that Name people or Companies in my forum, even though I added this a long time ago not to do so in the forum guidelines.

At the end of the day you can make your point without having to post specific names, which is all I ask.

What you dont see is the contact I get from these threads where the ones named say they will fight me in court to clear thier name in the public eye and I would probably do the same. This site is well indexed in Google so it doesn't take long for posts to show in search results outside of these pages.

As I said before, I dont want to have to employ a lawyer to allow you to post accuations of wrong-doing against specific people, this site is privately run so I dont have a Company lawyer or the funds to employ one.

At the end of the day it is only Nominet that can do anything about your accusations anyway.

Please respect our forum guidelines on this in your posts.

which domain did you miss out on? and was it to (TAGHOLDERS TAG) by any chance?! ;)

incidently I delete a few domains, but and others dont usually show up on and the like, so not really a good basis to judge figures on. I dont get billed for those as the invoices are generated monthly.

The other point is people can surrender domains any time they wish, or just not renew in 2 years time.

Would you prefer the name you missed to be surrendered/deleted and free to register, or just held blocking a potential new registration for a two years? ;)
scooter said:
It does affect everyone including Nominet. If you go to register a domain and it has been taken you've lost the domain. I for one did not know that what I should be doing is going back 4 weeks later to see if it is suddenly available again as the commercial trawlers have decided they now don't want it. That's not right.

It affects Nominet as they are potentially losing revenue on real people trying to register. Rather than raising invoices to see them cancelled to then have to detag the name again and we are not talking a couple of names, we are looking at hundreds (at least) every month.

Until I came to this forum 4 weeks ago, I didn't even know or existed. I had to use a local registrars whois to register. How many more people like me are there out there? ...... Thousands, and we are the people that buy to keep, not snag to see if it is going to make ppc clicks before I decide it is no good to me. You cannot call this fair.

Ok, let's have a look at these points:

1: It effects you because you can't register the domain as it's already taken
1a: That is not a valid point, become a Nominet member & TAG holder, code your own software and catch the domain before someone else are sold on a first come, first served basis (In Nominets own words)

2: If the domain becomes available again a few weeks later then there is nothing stopping you registering the domain yourself after this point, you should see this as a good thing?

3: It effects Nominet, loosing revenue etc etc
3a: Nominet govern their own rules and it is up to them to enforce those rules, you do not work for Nominet, you are not the "Nominet TAG holder police", so why act this way?

What you are basicly saying is it's unfair for you because someone else is registering a domain that you want then deciding they don't want it afterwards.

Well what if I register a domain you want, keep it, but never actually use it? this also "not fair"?
Those who pay up front get a better deal, whether that's right or wrong is for nominet to decide. They don't seem to wish to give preferential treatment to TAG holders but I think they fail to realise that they already do. :mrgreen:
J2theIZZO said:
Scooter, whilst we're at it, shouldn't you practice what you preach and follow the rules yourself?

One of your domains breaks Nominets terms of registration, I find it highly unlikely your real name is "Domain for sale"

You may have problems when it comes to transfering ownership.

And I hope that Firestars will be taking the above breach up with Nominet too!

I still have trouble today, I still can't put a forward slash into t/a at 123 unless I'm using the wrong field.

It's not commonly known but when a sole trader you can't use 'individual status' as a business concern with anything, it has to be your name with t/a trading as. A little info for people browsing this thread. I would hope nominet aren't going to get all heated up about that, it's a common mistake.
J2theIZZO said:
What you are basicly saying is it's unfair for you because someone else is registering a domain that you want then deciding they don't want it afterwards.

Well what if I register a domain you want, keep it, but never actually use it? this also "not fair"?

I am saying it is unfair to everyone except the very people that are doing it. What is not right is they get to sit on them for a few weeks to see if they make them money before they throw them back into the sea. That is unfair to all.

Well what if I register a domain you want, keep it, but never actually use it? this also "not fair"?
Great!! That's what its all about and good on you for getting that name whether you do anything with it or not. THIS IS VERY FAIR
Both sides have a point and you do get a better deal being a TAG holder with the software as it would seem you get to be billed monthly and drop domains at no cost and get to filter domains so in effect your spend is nothing until you keep them, an individuals spend is as is.
There is only 1 shiny new red bike in the shop, all the rest are blue.

Roger has a fast car , Tony has a tractor.

They leave at the same time, Roger gets to the shop first and gets the red bike.

When Tony gets there the red bike has gone!.

Tony has to buy a blue bike, buy the bike off Roger, or hope Roger Doesn't like the red bike and returns it to the shop.

Life's not Fair, just watch the news! :(
denchomsky said:
Roger has a fast car , Tony has a tractor.

Tony has to buy a blue bike, buy the bike off Roger, or hope Roger Doesn't like the red bike and returns it to the shop.

If Tony has a tractor, then he would want the blue bike
J2theIZZO said:
Scooter, whilst we're at it, shouldn't you practice what you preach and follow the rules yourself?

One of your domains breaks Nominets terms of registration, I find it highly unlikely your real name is "Domain for sale"

You may have problems when it comes to transfering ownership.

You're right its not correct. However I have sold 12 domains in the past and it has not been a problem. In truth, they actually have it wrong. They have my name as the contact name instead of register name. I bought in bulk and it is their mistake as I have the original receipt.

So, they can clear mine up quickly, i hope they can do the same with the "catch and release" brigade.
LeeOwen said:
Both sides have a point and you do get a better deal being a TAG holder with the software as it would seem you get to be billed monthly and drop domains at no cost and get to filter domains so in effect your spend is nothing until you keep them, an individuals spend is as is.

I have no argument with the way TAG holders are invoiced, DAC access for full members and the like. That is what they are paying for, but the system is not designed so you can hoover up everything in your wake and "try before you buy". This is the part that is flawed and needs to be addressed.
scooter said:
You're right its not correct. However I have sold 12 domains in the past and it has not been a problem. In truth, they actually have it wrong. They have my name as the contact name instead of register name. I bought in bulk and it is their mistake as I have the original receipt.

So, they can clear mine up quickly, i hope they can do the same with the "catch and release" brigade.

I missed the post / thread saying which registrar cocked up your bulk reg, likewise complaints on how they have not acted on your complaint to correct it etc.

Or do I get the feeling you are not a stickler for *all* rules , I mean Nominet have not acted on deletions or your domains but you are happy with one but not the other... :)
rob said:
I missed the post / thread saying which registrar cocked up your bulk reg, likewise complaints on how they have not acted on your complaint to correct it etc.

Or do I get the feeling you are not a stickler for *all* rules , I mean Nominet have not acted on deletions or your domains but you are happy with one but not the other... :)

I missed the post / thread saying which registrar cocked up your bulk reg
I never posted. Remember, we are not allowed to name TAGs :) A simple whois will get you that info

likewise complaints on how they have not acted on your complaint to correct it
Why should I complain? I have had no problems transferring names to other companies/individuals. Therefore, I must be meeting Nominets criteria of satisfying them that I am the actual owner. Otherwise they would not have allowed transfer number 1 nevermind number 12.

A quick summary of the criteria is in Jay's post here .... maybe I should be reggin this :) I'm sorry if i have hit a sore point with some people of the forum. Most likely they are the main ones having a pop at me.

All I did was confirm what others suspected was going on for some time. I'm a little minnow, these people are the trawlers except now they are bringing in their factory ships because they can get away with.
You have done 12 transfers breaking rules, and tags have done hundreds of deletions breakings rules.

On one you think 'nominet allows it so its ok' and the other you complain. Surely on both nominet allows it and thus its 'ok' ? Why is one ok in your mind but the other is worthy of following up?

You said you didnt complain on transfers as you had no problem , I assume that you are complaining on the deletions as you were beaten to a domain and then saw it was free at a later date?

I think if you just were up front about 'I am pissed off with tagholder X as he nicked a name I wanted then deleted it so I lost it for the second time' etc it would go down much better than pretending its all for a wider good when you are happy to ignore other rules ;)
rob said:
You have done 12 transfers breaking rules, and tags have done hundreds of deletions breakings rules.

On one you think 'nominet allows it so its ok' and the other you complain. Surely on both nominet allows it and thus its 'ok' ? Why is one ok in your mind but the other is worthy of following up?

You said you didnt complain on transfers as you had no problem , I assume that you are complaining on the deletions as you were beaten to a domain and then saw it was free at a later date?

I think if you just were up front about 'I am pissed off with tagholder X as he nicked a name I wanted then deleted it so I lost it for the second time' etc it would go down much better than pretending its all for a wider good when you are happy to ignore other rules ;)

Rob, you have got me completely wrong.

I have not lost a domain to one of the TAGs. I have only registered 4 domains in the last six months and all 4 I got. 2 were dropped domains, the other 2 I don't think have ever been registered, So no, I have not lost out. As I said on the previous thread, I did not even know that or even existed until I started visiting this forum. I am a complete newbie when it comes to dropcatching, ppc etc.

Breaking the rules? I didn't know I was breaking the rules as all my sales have gone through fine.

The "try before you buy" brigade? Well, it's up to Nominet to decide whether they are or aren't, just like they can decide on my names.

After coming here the last 4 weeks, I have learnt a lot. The biggest thing I have learnt is that it's certainly not a level playing field and its up to Nominet to police it correctly to ensure it is.

Maybe i should not complain and join in the fun. Pay my £400 membership, an extra £25 for DAC, pop over to scriptlance and pay someone in India $100 for my own script. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, I'll just pick up the dregs, (20 a day?) pop them straight on Sedo and see what clicks I get in the next 25 days before handing over half of them back. Heck, even if the ones I am handing back have only had 1 click per name @ 5pence i'm doing all right. Money for nothing. This is blatantly flawed.

I'm not jealous, a secret hater, domain guru or anything of the sort. I could certainly afford to have Nominet membership + DAC fees. (maybe I will one day). Yes, I do dabble in domains at the lowest level but what is happening on a daily basis at the very top makes a mockery of Nominet being impartial.
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