rob said:
You have done 12 transfers breaking rules, and tags have done hundreds of deletions breakings rules.
On one you think 'nominet allows it so its ok' and the other you complain. Surely on both nominet allows it and thus its 'ok' ? Why is one ok in your mind but the other is worthy of following up?
You said you didnt complain on transfers as you had no problem , I assume that you are complaining on the deletions as you were beaten to a domain and then saw it was free at a later date?
I think if you just were up front about
'I am pissed off with tagholder X as he nicked a name I wanted then deleted it so I lost it for the second time' etc it would go down much better than pretending its all for a wider good when you are happy to ignore other rules
Rob, you have got me completely wrong.
I have not lost a domain to one of the TAGs. I have only registered 4 domains in the last six months and all 4 I got. 2 were dropped domains, the other 2 I don't think have ever been registered, So no, I have not lost out. As I said on the previous thread, I did not even know that or even existed until I started visiting this forum. I am a complete newbie when it comes to dropcatching, ppc etc.
Breaking the rules? I didn't know I was breaking the rules as all my sales have gone through fine.
The "try before you buy" brigade? Well, it's up to Nominet to decide whether they are or aren't, just like they can decide on my names.
After coming here the last 4 weeks, I have learnt a lot. The biggest thing I have learnt is that it's certainly not a level playing field and its up to Nominet to police it correctly to ensure it is.
Maybe i should not complain and join in the fun. Pay my £400 membership, an extra £25 for DAC, pop over to scriptlance and pay someone in India $100 for my own script. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, I'll just pick up the dregs, (20 a day?) pop them straight on Sedo and see what clicks I get in the next 25 days before handing over half of them back. Heck, even if the ones I am handing back have only had 1 click per name @ 5pence i'm doing all right. Money for nothing. This is blatantly flawed.
I'm not jealous, a secret hater, domain guru or anything of the sort. I could certainly afford to have Nominet membership + DAC fees. (maybe I will one day). Yes, I do dabble in domains at the lowest level but what is happening on a daily basis at the very top makes a mockery of Nominet being impartial.