A local 3 branch estate agent and auctioneer has moved from their brandname.co.uk to brandname.wales. A couple of Welsh start up food producers are launching on .wales and not bothering with the .uk's at all.
It is interesting, speaking to local business people they see value in the extension, and these are people who would normally be completely unaware of new gtlds. That is not to say they would pay a domainer for them though!
Indeed. For any domain that focuses on its "Welshness" in some way then it seems to work pretty well. So digital.wales, townname.wales, visit.wales, campsites.wales, holiday.wales, localfoodproducer.wales etc work well. However a domain that would be described on Acorn as a "killer" in a .uk doesn't necessarily work in .wales. So carinsurance.wales? Who the hell cares if their car insurance policy is Welsh?