Here's another one---Wibro Launching in Canada
The Ministry of Information and Communication said on January 25 that Silicon Valley Overseas IT Support Center (iPARK) at the Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency exchanged a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for cooperation in DMB and Wibro with the Telecommunication Laboratories, the largest information and telecommunication laboratory in Canada.
The ministry discussed with the authorities of Canada federal government and Alberta provincial government about a pilot service related to DMB and Wibro in the fourth quarter of this year and decided to aggressively support the MOU between KIPA and TR labs.
DMB developed by a domestic technology has made the fourth debut on overseas stage following Germany that agreed to a pilot broadcasting service for the relay broadcasting of the World Cup in last April, England and Mexico in last September. Wibro is also shifting up gear to break into global market.
The two parties agreed to cooperate in conducting a pilot business in such areas as DMB, Wibro, home network and digital contents and exchanging information, a joint seminar and a joint incubating. They also agreed to cooperate in utilizing research facilities and test infra of TR labs, participating in joint research, taking a field trip for an advance technology and developing human resources.
Now that the MOU includes the pilot program where both governments and an private enterprise participate focusing on spreading DMB and Wibro, the Alberta provincial government, the Canada federal government and the Ministry of Information and Communication discussed to shape it together.
¡°We will form a taskforce team where both governments, laboratories, communication businesses and manufacturing companies participate soon and announce the result discussed in the APEC information and communication meeting held in Calgary in upcoming April.¡± ¡°We expect them to extend to across the North America,¡± said an official of the ministry