There's a difference between some crumby domain that might make a few thousand in sales and an established market that's worth £Billions.
That's the difference between making a few quid from doing what it says on the tin and creating a brand.
If you're a serious player in such a huge market, and you seriously think that an EMD describing the generic product might cause you problems, then for a few £thousand quid you'd buy it just to have it out the way of the competition.
And yes, I gave one example previously, but I've added another 2 off the top of my head above.
I suspect looking through Edwins list of domains for sale would swell that number quite considerably.
I'm not against people selling domains for money, I do it myself, and am happy to take the money, but what I am against is people trying to inflate their own opinions of themselves or their £7 domains.
At the end of the day anyone trying to make money selling domains, myself included, are nothing more than bottom feeders, trying to make something off the hard work of other people.
Trying to kid yourselves that you're superior to someone else becaus ethey have the hyphens is just folly, especially if they're the ones making the product.