I am extremely cynical about the registry/registrar industry. I feel the process of this particular roll-out has not been respected, and the argument that registrars should be allowed to blanket register unrequested .uk domains "to give people longer to protect their .co.uk names" I regard as nonsense. The process gave people FIVE years to do that, and why have the process at all if you're going to fail in the proposal that was made that unclaimed names will be open for registration by the public after that?
The last five years, in domain name terms, have been quite unusual in that the new gTLDs have occupied a lot of the attention. The LONDON, WALES, SCOT, CYMRU gTLDs have all taken some of that business. Unfortunately, they haven't gained significant presence in the market. Businesses generally put off having to register domain names when it is unnecessary and the five year protection period helped. The changing regulations also caused problems and some registrars may have been less than clear on these regulations leading to some registrants with prior rights thinking that they were ineligible to register .UK domain names.
My cynicism goes back to earlier disgraces like the abuse of the .info and .biz roll outs by registrars mass-registering thousands of the best domains using fake copyright claims. ICANN were so 'laissez-faire' about those abuses, and I feel Nominet's attitude is similar with this roll out. The offer of free registration of .uk domains for one year was like an open invitation to people to mass registrar names. Why wouldn't they? It was like an open goal.
Both those gTLDs had serious problems with bogus claims. But the ones that followed were largely self-inflicted. The .BIZ was intended to be a business gTLD but that changed when it couldn't get traction. The .INFO basically invented the boom and bust promotion model with free/discounted registrations. That went a long way towards destroying the credibility of the gTLD compared to .COM. Now, the main registration activitiy in both these gTLDs is heavily based on discounting.In terms of web usage and development (from May 2019 full gTLD web surveys), both of them have lower usage than .COM and ccTLDs.
gtld - Content - No Content - Templated Content - Redirects - No Site Response
BIZ 8.49% 27.20% 20.62% 21.22% 22.48%
INFO 8.74% 16.42% 29.71% 26.20% 18.93%
Templated Content is PPC parking, Sales and Affiliate Landing pages. No Content is essentially holding pages and 404/403 pages.
The .UK ccTLD is much better regulated than gTLDs and a lot of the problems that emerged with the new gTLDs have not affected it. The land grabs by registrars are an issue but they can and will spin it as protecting businesses from cybersquatting. In terms of domaining, it is actually a good thing because it spreads the interest over two years rather than a single year. Normally, a new TLD gets a boost in the first year, and a Junk Dump in the second. The echoes from the BIZ, INFO and EU land rushes were visible up to ten years afterwards.