Exactly what I feel. It may take time for the public to recognise this, but .uk is the top-level domain, it's simpler, more direct, and I think in due course it will come to be seen as the premier ending - because it is, it's the top level.
Certainly for all my religious and political domains, I'd far rather have the .uk than the .co.uk because my websites are not a company, and in quite a lot of cases it feels a bit 'weird' to have the .co.uk ending after the names. The 'feel' is too commercial in some cases.
The example yesterday, of gay.uk is a perfect example of that kind of domain. It's short, it's direct, it's the top-level domain for the subject.
I realise businesses at present probably feel the .co.uk offers a bit more 'gravitas' and authority. I get that. It's what people are used to. Attitudes may change with usage over time.
For some domains, like my Christ.uk, it's best-suited right away. "Christ.co.uk" is weird frankly.
I did like film.uk too. It said exactly what it was, simply, cleanly. It was in my opinion a bargain at £6000 pounds or so.
Other names will work better with .uk than .co.uk ... family.uk seems a better fit than family.co.uk for example. There are countless examples like that.