kass - you missed my points, but now I know what a generic domain is at last!!
kass - now I know what a brandable (spits) domain is
kass - now i know how to use companies house - wow!
kass - now i know my own name at last!
kass - thanks for teaching me to suck eggs

kass - now I know what a brandable (spits) domain is
kass - now i know how to use companies house - wow!
kass - now i know my own name at last!
kass - thanks for teaching me to suck eggs
Juilian startups with a generic domain names is rare and speaks volumes in terms of credibility, memorability and lifetime of type-in traffic.
Just look at travelzoo.com payed $1.8m for fly.com and yellowpages.com payed $3.8m for yp.com its all about making it easier for the end user to remember and type.
Juilian random brandable domains are all well and good, but they require massive investment and time to make them work with a generic address is rare and speaks volumes in terms of credibility, memorability and lifetime of type-in traffic.
Juilian you be very surprised in how being no1 for your keyword then no3 makes a differences in your income/traffic.
Juilian the only way you can find out if they making any real money is wait in till they do their accounts and then pay £1 on companieshouse.gov.uk and see in black and white their profit and loss records, thats if they are a ltd company.