Has anyone requested a password when they own multiple accounts with the same email address? Can I assume you'd end up getting password authentication emails for each and every account?
For the past 12 years I've been fine with the registrar system but I logged in for the first time today to check things out. To avoid the potential of the above issue, I changed the email address on one domain to retrieve the password, which led me to a solution for anyone concerned with the security of merging all domains into one account...
Leave all your accounts separate, but change the email address on each domain (eg.
[email protected],
[email protected], etc). As for keeping track of usernames and passwords, simply request a new password if you ever need to login, which for me will only be for a registrant transfer - everything else can go through the registrar system. Granted it may take a lot of initial effort to change the email address on all your domains if you've not got scripts or a helpful registrar to do it, but it is a solution to the merged account security concern.
Also, does anyone know if the automated transfer function will be available via the automaton or EPP? I've not heard anything on that, or seen discussion on it.