I'm not even sure if i care too much anymore. There's too many tags now and the same small group of people catching the contested stuff I'm not sure how much it bothers me personally. You've got the same person often catching multiple contested domains each and every day it makes me question why i bother paying for my membership. Maybe not a bad thing?
Not a tag but maybe worthwhile hanging on. Nominet say themselves it's the same 10 tags getting all the domains. Since that's been acknowledged and as in any industry completely unacceptable they are going to have to do something about it.
If this was America a future class action lawsuit would be inevitable because the business of catching names is hardly fair competition and barriers to entry exist not by way of any obvious barrier Nominet created but by Nominet turning a blind eye on the fact system isn't working fairly or openly for many years. I mean if there was any legal potential in that first place lawyer gonna go is right here and read up on the endless complaints about it all. Not saying the suit would be successful just saying it would be launched and wouldn't surprise me if that does happen over here.
I'm no lawyer but if people are claiming of catching cartels, it remains unknown if the top tags have colluded with each other to their own exclusive and collective advantage but it's certainly known they've accused each other of collusion.
If I was a tag I'd hang on. Try and find any industry that hasn't faced legacy class action lawsuits.
Fact Nominet themselves have been caused to become so concerned they are changing the system is an admission something is wrong as things stand.
As a non tag I'd say what's wrong is domaining in the UK hasn't got a mainstream face. Still a bunch of people doing it, I find it impossible to imagine how Joe or Joanna Bloggs would have obvious and encouraging entry points into it. Most successful domainers are ridiculously self-motivated individuals imho, massive iq's, and it's pretty much stayed that way for like two decades. This isn't actually helpful to the industry. I'd liken it if to if BMW said only people with 140plus iq's [not a believer in IQ tests myself], could buy their cars.
If I had the dosh I'd just hire the lawyers and set them lose on all of this. There's no reason any tag should feel they are at any particular disadvantage. The shouldn't be caused to question their investment in being a tag or caused to feel all sorts of sh... goes on pertinent to their investment they don't know about.
My words are not an attack on the successful individual tags who don't collude, don't see much of any legal concern they should have. They've seized an opportunity Nominet should never have allowed to let arisen or become so funnelled in the first place.