Brexit will be wonderful for the UK!
I know Brussels from the converging talks of Turkey from 2008 to 2013. The UK has no need to feed the parasites in Brussels and in Greece who drive Porsche with no solid income other than robbing tourists. Even though I may be violating the opinion volcano principle of R. Dobelli but I believe with quite founded facts that EU is only good to bureaucrats in the Brussels and the robbers and liars in the south of Italy Spain and Greece.
An anecdote: we went to Spain for a technical visit to see how they built the high speed rail network. EU funds only the socially-feasible (increasing accessibility, reducing time-wasted in traffic, helping climate change etc.) while monetary zero or limited feasible projects. Spanish experts told us how they dubbed Brussels by only calculating "the rail stations" as a separate projects while parting the infrastructure as another dedicated project of the same rail line. Anyone who see the gigantic high speed rail station in
Zaragoza, which was empty and will empty forever because of demand would understand me.
Your money has gone to Spanish high speed rail, Greek motorways and Brussels chocolate sellers. And don't worry nobody will die because of EU's food shortage. It could even make you lighter.
Even the Europe should exit EU!
Edit 1: Besides who the hell are we to talk after the British people decided to leave.
Edit 2: You should execute the Brexit as soon as possible since the world watches that dumb and shocking debates at House of Commons. One can really perplexed by the degree of stupidity and tell himself that how a great nation like UK can be governed by a bunch retards like them!