Yes, I do agree! And we are trying to do our best to keep a positive and professional forum experience for everyone.
Yes, the beginning of that little thing was brilliant! I admired how it started and loved seeing how active it was + it brough up a great competitive spirit and all industry gained (Live Feeds are one of them).
However, it soon turned into a swamp of trash, racism, and a platform for bashing other businesses and people. Who killed it? The users who couldn't stay professional spreading content like that. + with Nominets logos attached to many of these posts. We can thank them for that. In the end, Acorn was the only one who gained.
About Aaron - I have only the best wishes to him. He had something amazing! .. sadly, it went sideways.
Thank you for your good intents. Ben, if I do something wrong here > please let me know in provate. I would really appreciate it.
Yes, you could be correct here. .. need to hire couple moderators

proud Acorn