They aren't white supremicists to be fair. They don't say white is right or better than any other race.
Have a watch of Nick Griffin having a friendly chat with the KKK
YouTube - BNP MEP Nick Griffin + KKK Terrorist on how to get the message across.
"instead of racial purity we talk about identity"
As for not saying 'white is right' or better, to be a member of the BNP you need to be "Indigenous Caucasian". As earlier quoted, Nick Griffin made it clear on how he decides that.
YouTube - BNP leader on Obama is another good one, which Mr Griffin goes on about 'blacks' not being 'very clever' and the like.
Its all about branding and getting people to listen to the propaganda.
I was against the war in iraq, but I am also against the bunch of racists in the BNP. Having the odd thing in common does not mean much, I am sure Mr Hitler loved a cuppa etc
Incidently this is all 65 years on from having a tough time in Normandy against such people.
As Nick Griffin says himself, hes rebranding the message to something more paletable, but that does not mean they are any less abhorrent underneath it depends if you buy it or not. I dont.
EDIT: dont get me wrong, the great thing with democracy is people can vote for who they want. It does require some truthfulness on what people stand for though, and there is alot of people who do not understand what they are voting for out there.