ergo SEO is not Dead. It's just evolving again.
No and yes IMHO.
"Evolution: A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form"
We are talking not so much about evolution with SEO but more about going from alive and kicking to life support. Whats happened is a huge step backwards for anyone who's model relies on it.
There are only a few types of people who can call whats happened lately as Evolution in SEO:
- Business not reliant on SEO that got hit still. Ouch.. but they are evolving FASTEST and away from SEO as they already have diverse revenues
- Google. They want you dead if your business is SEO. They earn nothing from you.
If you take the biological definition of Evolution its this:
"Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species."
Its not SEO thats evolving its business. Its a pay-to-play world now with Google. The new species will be the super affiliate that adapts to survive and the big brands. Everyone else will die.
If you actually sit there today seeing the fallout from the last 4 months and think there is a future in small affiliate niche sites reliant on free traffic from Google you are simply the rabbit in the proverbial headlights.
Anyone who got wiped out earlier this year will realise SEO is dead and are scrambling for their place in the new world before its too late. Thats evolution but at a fast pace still. More a gun to head situation

Thats where I am btw
You simply cant build a business around it anymore.... unless you want to be a full time spammer or small fry.
Absolutely it can still make you money and you should generate income from it in theory if you have built something good.
From my viewpoint tho it is something that you should not even bother with as an offsite expenditure. Google has declared war on SEO like it never did before.
Sure, optimise onsite SEO, build a onsite hierarchy that makes sense. Add good quality content.
If you try second guess Google now to try game whats left of the seo traffic that is out there then you are pissing in the wind.
Its not a fair world... There are sites who have taken the piss with their SEO still raking in the dosh like its christmas every day. Good for them. I hope they are saving every penny or spending it on growing a non SEO reliant business

Let your users, commentators and fans like, tweet, link to you how they want. Thats how I think about SEO now. Its right for me.
At the end of the day it boils down to what do you want to be?
A bedroom affiliate scraping by on a couple of extra K a month or do you want to own a real business?
Anyways.... thats far too much noise out of me today. I'm logging off here & back to building a real diverse business.... no more checking the serps like a mad man for me sweating am I still no1 or not