Hi Scat, Thanks for that, I really appreciate it. It is good to have a fresh pair of eyes take a look at things.
Fonts, spacing and different sectors melt a bit too much together
I Agree the responsiveness needs further work and I am constantly working on this.
Domain Marketplace - “Make Offer” buttons run over frames
I just happened to be playing around with this while you were on the site so you may have seen weird things jumping about. This should now look OK. The Max & Min price in the left had search block should now also display correctly? This didn't happen in any browser I have so maybe you could check this for me your end.
Domain marketplace - not sure if users need “Show Count Down“ button on this page. Auctions are also shown on marketplace page?
Good point. I have now removed this from marketplace listings.
Allow to show more than 80 domains on one page. 200 and over would be nice
I agree. I will make extra options in this drop down.
Didn’t figure out how does notifications works if you add a domain in your watchlist. Useful little helper.
Would that be email notifications on when the auctions in your wishlist are about to end?
What function does checkbox have next to the user name?
This signifies that the user is a verified seller. A user needs to be verified in order to sell anything. For demonstration purposes I have been manually applying this to users when they join.
You don't have to show "Buy now" button to owners because if owner clicks on it "You are the owner of the listing.". Just remove the button or replace it ... number of views or smth.
I agree. It's on the dev list
Six-figure price runs over two lines
Yes, One the main listings page I have made the price element good to show 6 figures and Also jigged around with really really long domain names

There maybe be other areas on the site that shows the price that will need to be adjusted to show 6 figures. I will correct as I come across them.
I do have a version parameter attached to the main css file so it should auto pull down the latest version but a Ctrl-f5 if not.
Would be nice to have new options:
Marketplace & auction: .uk / .co.uk available or not? Own rights yes/no?
Yes, When adding a listing, In the extension dropdown there is an option for .co.uk & .uk
If domain comes again on the market would be nice to see history of the domain (last owner/ how long owned/price history)
@seemly would may be interested? in including flip sale prices into his site.
Sort: Most viewed
I agree, that would be very useful. I have put it on the dev list.
Search - if no results the give recommendations to keep users still on your platform
Yep, That would be very handy for the user. It's now on the dev list.
To see bidding history
Bid history can be seen on the auction page. Is that what you mean?
Create listing is too clumsy and takes too many clicks. Try to make it easier
The bit that doesnt make sence at the moment is when you have to select "Domain Name" this is because eventually there will be other choices here. For example "WebSite"
I have the bare minimum fields needed to list in marketplace or auction.
I am working on a bulk lister that would be much easier to just upload
Add button "Add a Listing" or "Add your domain" on main sector on Auction and Marketplace pages because that directs users easier to add their listings
I agree, Good point!
The names on the front page should revert to ellipsis if they are too long.
This is what I am seeing. I cant remember if I done this after you checked out the site? Please if you wouldn't mind checking again for me?
If you are still seeing anything that I said I have fixed, not fixed, please... Ctrl-F5 and if not after that please can you tell me what browser you are using. Cheers
Thanks again for your time. If you spot anything else just let me know!
Kind Regards