I don't talk on the phone socially you see, because that just seems weird, like writing a letter
wow! i find that quite sad and alarming. (An email is a letter.) Sad to see the power of speech is going.
I wonder if, in the near future people will be texting and instant messaging around the family home instead of actually talking. :shock:
Telling everyone everything individually would take me forever, and I'd never know about half the events and occasions my friends put on and invite people to via Facebook.
That's good. It works for you and millions of others. As i said, i'm in the minority. I just honestly do not need or feel the need, both in a personal capacity or for business.
ok, ok i'll fes up. It's cause i've no mates :sad:
Recommendations tend to work much better on Twitter when someone recommends you and you step into the conversation and ask if you can help. If you aren't there, your business is simply one of many recommendations from tweeters which is likely to get ignored or passed over, depending on what you sell and the strength of the recommender.
What about f/b? have i to constantly monitor this as well to see who needs help? Youtube? i have vids on there, (comments switched off, just a hyperlink to the site) should I be trawling this also? what about flikr and now google+? where do I stop?
As a retailer, the strength of the recommender has to be good. Always, that's what grows the business.
That's where proactiveness come in.
I am very proactive on customer service. On the day of dispatch all customers are sent a nice email thanking them for their business, an invite to join the forum and a personal offer of help from myself for the lifetime of the product. So support is firmly in place before it even pops through their letterbox.
To me, having a f/b, twitter or any others is just giving myself more work. All I am doing is diluting the support channels already in place and there are plenty of channels open for them.
Not to mention you can use recommendations for plenty of things, including testimonials on your website and so on. And of course there's the feedback aspect of it as well; people say things on Twitter they'd never say in an email or phone call directly to you, but it can be valuable input all the same...occasionally
Below is my feedback for ebay UK. The proof is in the pudding. This is where people can vote with the click of a button. If they are not happy, they don't even have to tell you. They just show it to other people as you suggest they do on twitter. This is why proactiveness wins. Always.
Am I losing sales by not monitoring all social network sites? Who knows but i would doubt it. As far as i'm aware I am number 1 in every google search engine there is for the product name.
Sorry, this old dog aint for budging but If i went in to the press release business, that would be a different story.