I'm glad you're taking a bit more care with what you're putting together tonight.
Going back to the actual topic I do consider your analogy of a newsagent delivering newspapers to be utterly irrelevant. Domain name businessss are much more scalable. Whether every end user gets to know about domain name auction sites, ever, we'll have to see in time.
(from iPhone)
Or maybe you're sobering up ? Only potential end user that need a site, want the name and have sufficient funds are relevant how you find those is what a business is about. Newsagent or domainers business is business,
Scaling up from small cctld to Tld taking peak times, days, languages, laws, Information asymmetry, Pricing mechanisms, trying to establish channel relationships, direct contacts the list goes on . What can be achieved in a small scale cctld.. simply won't be manageable, cost effective achievable globally?
Newsagent don’t manufacture the papers but are supplied them, Have no influence in whats in them, They will already have some buyers due too the papers existing clients, They will need to seek out new entice them in.
Registrars don’t manufacture the name they are also supplied them, They have have no influence in the name? They also will have some buyers and will also need to seek out new and entice them in?
The newsagent couldn’t provide the same service cost effectively, efficiently nationally
Same as the registrar cannot globally it can in its small area co.uk same as newsagent can its its few streets. There reasons for failure may be different but the outcome is the same?
I have no vested interest either way as to if registrars sell names or catchers do my belief is registrars auctioning would improve the market as a whole. I gave up catching years ago as the time effort etcwere better employed and more profitable elsewhere?