I think your long post was great and valuable grist for the mill.
However the post above does seem to contradict the carinsurance.co.uk
point that you make in that post as to it's current value.
CarInsurance is a bit of a funny one really, its an outlying example and doesn't fit in with many of the general things I've posted about.
I can't think of a single actual insurer who deals in car insurance alone. I don't think there is any, I might be wrong though.
Every major brand is spending an absolute fortune promoting their brand further. It would make no sense at all for Aviva or Axa to harm that branding front and build a standalone site on carinsurance.co.uk
Likewise with PPC, they want their own brand getting seen. Plus even if carinsurance.co.uk got a slightly higher quality score, their own brand would end up getting a better CTR as its a trusted brand that people have heard of.
An affiliate building out carinsurance.co.uk in 2014 is a non starter. Its just never going to rank.
So genuine question here, feel free to answer this anyone. If no end users are interested in buying it, and no affiliates can run a business from it, where is the actual value?
To me, its only actual value is selling it on to some other sucker. I think too many domainers forget that at the end of each chain of sales and flips, there needs to be a person willing and able to develop the domain into a real website, and make money from it. If that person doesn't exist, the domain is worthless.
I wouldn't take carinsurance.co.uk for free, if I had to use my own time and money to develop it, and wasn't allowed to sell it.