@Siusaidh - There is a few things what makes me think that and it was created during the dates rob was being discussed and i know Denys said something along the lines of "If nominet dont do anything then remove the rules" i could be wrong and i hope him or anyone does not go down that route - i just hope people dont think the only way to compete with people like Rob is by cheating because if it gets to that point then there is no return and it will ruin the industry for good, creating endless accounts to compete is ridiculous.
I just hope people dont stoop that low because if that happens then im out and my code can be made public for everyone to use which will hopefully kill any cheaters chance, ive been beating cheaters on my own so i know for a fact its possible and when i beat the cheaters it makes it more rewarding... Using the "Cant beat them join them" moto is as low as it goes, those that think they need to cheat to give them an edge are not very good at coding or networking.