And Nominet have done exactly what about this?
The membership number is a long one starting with 2049 mostly - I have no idea how Nominet allocates or generates the last part of that number. It suggests however those members were all created at the same time.
- Allowed them to participate in the RoR drop last year, despite joining after the 3rd May deadline, whilst preventing existing members who missed the deadline.
I'm trying to be forensic, not awkward, but do we have evidence that they participated in the RoR last year? All of them? One of them?
I'm trying to be forensic, not awkward, but do we have evidence that they participated in the RoR last year? All of them? One of them?
And if I say that to Nominet, and they say "HOW does it show that those members were all created at the same time?" I don't see the concurrence and the proof in those numbers myself. How do those numbers show they "were all created at the same time"?
Yes. A new member caught - this was already stated earlier in the thread.
SUPER STORE BG joined between 3rd May and 3rd July. Do we know that as a fact? Sorry to be pedantic and appreciate your info.
Kalin: But then the problem was that when domains expired, we couldn’t catch them. So, the next few years were building up a catching system, building up monitoring systems, buying servers, buying accreditation, partnering up, integrating API’s. This continues to this day, and right now we are sending I think about 20 million drop kitting queries a day via API.
Kalin: We have 10 people. 10 people who only evaluate, and then help with the catching. We try to give the evaluators like not too diverse work. So, let’s say one evaluate UK domains, another evaluation German domains and so on.
Kalin: So, it’s really a lot, it does come back because we are chiefs care, we catch domains in a lot of different countries. We don’t catch the SEO domains, we catch premium domains, we catch traffic domains that don’t have good links but have a lot of traffic, let’s say former on a pirate websites or this kind of website. So, actually it does come back but the process is long, and if you don’t have at least six figures in capital to invest or if you don’t have, if you are very good developer yourself or you have a team of good developers. This may be lower but you need some, and the other two. So, it’s a lot of work and money to be invested.
Please describe any connections you have with other .uk Registars or Nominet members (for example this may include contractual, corporate or ownership connections).
If it is the case they are running more than one DAC then they are in beach of the DAC AUP clause: Anti-avoidance and Connected Persons - under this 2020-01-23 EDOMS 2020-01-23 HKOSTOVA 2020-01-22 TOOLDOMAINS 2020-01-21 MIXACTIVITY 2020-01-21 NET-IN 2020-01-21 APAVLOVA
Apparently Kalin is claiming that he buys these names off the individual members (they operate independently) ?For the purposes of (3) there is a strong presumption that:
- group companies (or other businesses) are connected to other businesses in the group;
- a company and its employees/officers/partners are connected to one another;
Kalin: We have 10 people. 10 people who only evaluate, and then help with the catching. We try to give the evaluators like not too diverse work. So, let’s say one evaluate UK domains, another evaluation German domains and so on.
“we are good with catching in UK, we are good in catching in a lot of small countries. We do with Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Romania, Ukraine and a lot of other countries Denmark, Finland.”
https://nominet-prod.s3.amazonaws.c.../2015/08/58367_votingrightspolicy17052012.pdf4.3.3 The Board considers whether, in the best interests of the company, groups of connected voters should have their combined votes reduced to the relevant cap. If the Board decides that they should do so, those votes are reduced pro-rata accordingly. Groups of voters are ‘connected’ if either they are “connected persons” (according to the system set out in the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 or any similar laws replacing it) or the Board considers that they are 'acting in concert' within the meaning set out in The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.
What a shame to see such a bellend behind it, I had no idea.
Rob is doing something slightly different to Kalin (he is not signing up his staff).
Nominet Members themselves have signed up to Or Rob’s hosted DAC service.
Now as I understand it even Denys had permission of Nominet to run:
However there is a very fine line between:
1. Selling a subscription to a dropcatching script (allowed)
2. Using the DACs together and sharing the quota (not allowed)
Also at the same time new members are starting to appear on the register who have connections to Rob.
Tag = [MARKETSEARCH] was recently registered to Richard Slater In Malta:
Richard was Business manager for in 2006 when Rob owned it:
Now is working with someone in the past + Hosted DAC hosting allowed under the DAC AUP ? Can you ask someone (a friend) to sign up to your dropcatching service ?
In my opinion it is allowed under the current clause. However he is starting to really push the limits of the terms...
That is nonsense!The system is broken beyond repair because Nominet can't prove that Kalin or Stephen are cheating with their staff.
That is nonsense!
If you can't prove someone is guilty, them maybe they aren't.
Opinions and forum debates don't really matter.
Collate the facts, build a case. The famous "innocent until proven guilty" comes to mind.
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