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Wanted: Domain Appraisal PR4 please appraise

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Oct 18, 2005
Reaction score
hi all i have had this a few mths now and is earning gradually. has made me nrly £300 so far with various affils tht i add. mainly promtes wii was getting about 10 uniques a day

how much is the domain/site worth?
The domain is only as good as how much you make from it really.

The main thing is that your earning money from it and personally I wouldnt sell being honest.

If you have made £300 already from a £5 domain name that is brilliant.

If that is the first year then keep it as thats £600 next year, maybe £900 the next year and £1200 the next year.

The name itself isnt really worth anything but you have hit a niche which is a good way of earning some money.

Personally I would whack up more advertising and some product feeds to earn you more money.

Add eBay and wii auctions etc and your soon see the sales rocket in.

yeh only thing with ebay is u need to be a member to use their editor kit and have auctions on me site. but im nt a member anymore u see so i cant do it that way. or can i
You can eBay auction feed from CJ but they charge you so maybe not the route that you want to go down at the moment.

As I say though I would keep the domain as if you've earnt near enough £300 in the past three months or so do the maths.

Year 1

3 months £300

6 months = £600

12 months = £900

Year 2

Times x 2 = £1800

Chances are you might push £2,000 in sales if your very lucky

I cant see someone paying more for the domain than you can earn being honest.

So reasonably doing a ball park figure if you can prove sales and traffic then £500 - £1,000 based on those figures which are estimated but give a rough example.

I mean if you look at a domain say now would that domain be worth anything unless there was a company called IBM that wanted the domain name.

People do own 3 word names but if there like IKL there not really worth anything unless someone thinks my name is Ian Killer Lion or a business starts with IKL so when you see people try and sell domains such as these, its only because they are not making any money and they want shot so they try and build up a sale saying RARE domain name, get it while it lasts.

I would seriously keep this one, not because of the name, but because of your potential earnings will outstrip the name its self.


right ive just did a switch to ebays affil program with it. gonna try that for few weeks see how it goes..

does ebay convert well do you know?
Swings and roundabouts really it does for some people it doesnt for others.

Depends on how many charge backs you get but at £6 - £8 a sign up its worth the risk as your not losing anything.

You seem like a newbie website owner by your questions but your doing fine at the moment, so just relax, kick back and enjoy the ride, a lot more too come.

Just dont sell the domain, keep it to yourself and make some money, remember that hopeully you only paid a fiver for it and its made you money already.
Long life domains

That's true if you have a domain thats with the present trend (wii's are on sale and popular) in 4 - 5 years wii's might be called something else or the name phased out over time like ps1 or ps2 for eg.

So yeah use the domain to rank well in google with wii been in the domain name and get what you can. You could build the traffic and google ranking up then see what you could get for it.

And when the market for wii's do fail or fall so does the price and interest in it.

So your call.
I mean if you look at a domain say now would that domain be worth anything unless there was a company called IBM that wanted the domain name.

People do own 3 word names but if there like IKL there not really worth anything unless someone thinks my name is Ian Killer Lion or a business starts with IKL so when you see people try and sell domains such as these, its only because they are not making any money and they want shot so they try and build up a sale saying RARE domain name, get it while it lasts.

Try and buy a zero / low traffic three letter .com or for reg fee or a low price :)

No offence mark but it seems on several threads you post authoritatively (eg. Trademarks, Coffee , grid computing etc) and then do a u-turn when you learn more about the subject.

Personally with this name it could be a potential liability as it contains a trademark name and has been earning. The name could be lost for nothing in a few weeks via a DRS, or if required to pay damages could cost the owner money.

Obviously the above is a worst case scenario however such things do affect value of the name. Building up a site trading off the 'wii' name could be seen as evidence of abusive use and work to the detriment of the owner.

As a result of this I very much doubt it would be possible to gain £1k - 2k for the name based on earnings.

All that is required is for legal types to do a microsoft style slap on on Wii related names and then each TM domain is a £2k liability or whatever price they put on it :)

The domain is only as good as how much you make from it really.

Domain names hold values aside from their earnings and multiples of earnings. If only we could buy names based on what they earn :)

No offense taken sheep shagger ;)

wii for sale runs a reasonably low risk of trademarks because Nintendo dont want too rock the boat simply because this is reasonably their last chance of a good console.

If they start doing trademarks etc for wii for sale I'll eat my hat. If I was advertising as nintendowiisellers then yes this would be more liable, or nintendowiimakers which would be even more so.

As for your comments especially regarding escorow and grid computing, it's not a u turn, if I am wrong I am wrong. I'm only 99% perfect if you look at the escrow then its a case of the domain name might be trademarked.

If that is the case then there is no trademark issue, just a case of if someone brought the domain and tried passing themselves off as Escrow then its decepetion to defraud if that can be proved.

So in respects have Nintendo actually trademarked wii or have they trademarked the name wii??

If they havent traded marked the name wii then obviously its like the trademark doesnt exist in certain terms.

I apologise when or if I am wrong, but I am man enough to say sorry or apologise if I am wrong.

Do you honestly think that Nintendo will take too court someone saying he could have brought it and want to sell his second hand wii not law about selling your console, usually when you sell a second hand console nowadays or another electrical product the warranty doesnt go over to another person.

So for the posts that I have made that maybe or maybe not incorrect that is done off the cuff.

Escrow is a company so unless you know every word in the dictionary then you cannot know that the word is an useable word in the English language and shouldnt be trademarkable but as I said in a previous thread a beefburger chain tried too make sure that no one even the jocks could use their name, which is pretty stupid, but they tried.

What would x-factor have been without the macdonald brothers?

Ok maybe a better tv show but thats off topic

Nintendo are not going to sue this person because hes got its overkill for a company that size I could come up with probaly about 20 - 50 wii domains without even thinking about it and not have to worry about trademarks.

As long as your not passing yourself off as Nintendo or misleading and ripping people off, do you think they give a damm about the name?

Something like is more open to newsletters and spam to unwilling people who know no better too try and take money from them.

Why do you think there are so many, we know someone who has died letters and the money is in a bank but we need your help dear friend.

A mug a minute so Escrow might be used for that kind of purpose,

So doing a bit more checking, is reg in England and dot com is usa so reasonably not trademarked or the person hasnt sold too them.

If for example escrow get a complaint regarding,uk trying too ask about passwords etc etc then yes they will try and do something abut it, depending upon how far they get is another matter


Posted May 4th 2006 1:47PM by Christopher Grant
Filed under: Nintendo Wii

Remember last Thursday when some disappointed Wii (née Revolution) fanboys got to thinking, "Hey! There's no trademark on file! It's got to be a publicity stunt! Viva la Revolution!"?

Of course, we tried to set them straight, but the conspiracy theory persisted -- as conspiracy theories are wont to do -- and now, with the help of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, we can see that Nintendo has indeed registered the name "Wii" with no fewer than nine applications!

The trademark applications were filed on April 27 (the day the name was publicly announced), but have a "priority date" of November 11, 2005, meaning they had decided on the new name as far back as November of last year and delayed the trademark registration, lest the proverbial cat be let out of the proverbial bag.

The trademarks cover the use of the name Wii in applications ranging from "printed matter" like iron-on transfers or, who knows, console packaging to "clothing" like wrist-bands or, perhaps maybe, t-shirts. They also cover "watches containing a game function", "providing temporary use of non-downloadable video game programs provided via the Internet", and about a thousand other things, meaning there's a wealth of info to be misinterpreted here by the fan community.

You'd better put your tinfoil hats back on...let the crazy theories commence!

So ok the wii is possibly trademarked depending upon how their application was processed they might have been refused in the end who knows without checking further but as its near enough 3am fook off.

I would easily purchase this for a fiver and run the risk of Nintendo trying too take me to court, its not worth their time.

remember the saying

all publicity is good publicity, no publicity is bad publicity

Just had a first look at the site as I hadnt even been there befiore the wii has a TM on it so technically if they wanted to take the site down they could but at the moment its a new console, its not breaking major trademark laws so they wouldnt do nothing about it.

I still say keep keep keep and if you do get a letter from Nintendo, I deny everything lol
wii for sale runs a reasonably low risk of trademarks because Nintendo dont want too rock the boat simply because this is reasonably their last chance of a good console.

Lots of Xbox related domains were recently reclaimed plus a bill of £2k per infringement - so own the likes of and - £6k please :)

If they start doing trademarks etc for wii for sale I'll eat my hat. If I was advertising as nintendowiisellers then yes this would be more liable, or nintendowiimakers which would be even more so.

The 'forsale' bit is not the issue - JeansForsale is not the same as LevisForsale

So in respects have Nintendo actually trademarked wii or have they trademarked the name wii??

Not sure what you mean but I guess it is have they trademarked three letters w , i and i or have they made up a word and branded it for a games console... either way the use of the name shows its the latter for sure.

As above, would be ok would not if permission was not given.

Do you honestly think that Nintendo will take too court someone saying he could have brought it and want to sell his second hand wii not law about selling your console, usually when you sell a second hand console nowadays or another electrical product the warranty doesnt go over to another person.

Nintendo are not going to sue this person because hes got its overkill for a company that size I could come up with probaly about 20 - 50 wii domains without even thinking about it and not have to worry about trademarks.

I think it is possible yes, and will become more common to see companies taking action against domain holders in bulk and recently one of the more public actions cost .uk owners in the region of £100k if not more in the last few months

There is no law against selling consoles, however there is a law about using other peoples trademarks without permission for gain.

I dont know about others but I think it is irresponsible to promote TM name registration and use not only as it is incorrect to a 'newbie' domainer but also does not help the image of domaning as a whole. Generally speaking domaining is seen as a shady operation where techies cybersquat names and make vast profits off of others work and threads like this do not help matters, as these registrants will be the negative PR of the future read by the majority - often with a big bill and legal shafting attached.

Baa! :)
God if I didnt feel like shit and still piss I would answer that lot,

let me sober up

anyone got that I can buy?
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