olebean said:Jac
I find you fairly amusing..
Where on earth did i ask you to change law? Perhaps if you had been involved a tad longer you would know there is a gentlemans "agreement" between the inland revenue and nominet that allows nominet to retain title to domains when a company goes into receivership, reason quoted too much hassle (inland revenue being sued)...... dont worry Jac I am only quoting facts as mentioned by a nominet member of staff...
For the record, and to clarify your alleged facts, I have checked back in the PAB records and with the relevant people, and here are the facts.
With regard to your totally incorrect statement; if you replace 'inland revenue' with 'Treasury Solicitor' and 'receivership' with 'dissolved companies' then there is a history here, but there was never any gentleman's agreement; more a disagreement!
In the words of the immortal Basil Fawlty as he poked Manuel in the eye with his finger; "Let me explain".
Therefore, back in 2004, an issue was raised as part of the Terms and Conditions of Registration Review and as a result, the Terms and Conditions were changed so that a domain name registered to a company would be automatically cancelled upon dissolution of the company. The Treasury Solicitor was against this change as reported in the October 2004 PAB report, which stated:
8. Terms and Conditions Review
It was noted that the terms and conditions paper was sent to the PAB for information following consultation. Michael Duggan (DTI) reported that he had been contacted by the Bona Vacantia Department of the Treasury Solicitor regarding the final version of Nominet's revised Terms and Conditions. They were unhappy with the fact that under the new terms a domain name registered to a company that had been dissolved, e.g. post liquidation, would be cancelled automatically and that this was a major change to the version put out to consultation and discussed by the PAB in February. Lesley Cowley (CEO) responded that there had been several communications between Nominet and the Treasury Solicitor on this issue. They had been informed of the suggested changes regarding the cancellation of domain names and invited to make a submission to the PAB meeting, but had failed to do so. The PAB noted the concerns of the Treasury Solicitor on the matter. Lesley Cowley advised the PAB that the new Terms and Conditions had been approved by the Plain English Campaign and had achieved their Crystal Mark for clarity.
Resolution: The PAB resolved to note the CoM's proposal to implement the new terms and conditions and that they will be published in accordance with the CoM's proposal.
Them's the facts.
James Conaghan
[PAB Member]
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