Only realistic competitor to UKBF if someone had the time to put in to make it active.
Bringing you the very best in small business and apprenticeship articles from around the UK.
Small Business Advice forum, UK dedicated discussion board for apprentices and small business owners to get advice and debate over business and apprenticeship topics.
Comes with the full rights to Xenforo SEO plugins created by us a few years back, never released to the public and only ever used on Xenforo forums of clients. They will need updating soon with the new release but any competent Xenforo dev will be able to do so.
Wordpress / Elementor Help forum, Like above, only need some admins to be active and it wouldnt take much to push them.
Wordpress and Elementor Forums, A Support community for the Wordpress based Elementor Page builder. Get help and support from other like minded enthusiasts
Few others id include to for the sake of it, Ideally would sell all together, all Cpanel based accounts so easy migration to another cpanel server.
EvoOwners - A forum community dedicated to all Mitsubishi owners and enthusiasts
The ONLY Norwich City Football Club Fans Community. Norwich FC Talk Forums with Articles, opinions, players, off the field issues, finances, supporters groups, confirmed player signing etc
Expectations £xx,xxx offers for all . Assume no revenue or traffic these havent been tracked in 5+ years but id assume minimal traffic.