I attend a significant number of networking events (for my business needs) and some of them are held in the cheapest places possible. Let us be honest = Cheap places attract lower-level people and with almost '0' purchase power. And, the contrary, higher-ticket events tend to attract more financially capable people.
Frankly, that's not true. Some of the best events I've been to have been at smaller venues where there are exhibitors who are keen to work with you. The value is provided by the exhibitors/schedule, not the venue.
I don't know what to say really, if £300 doesn't seem a good investment for a company in the domain name industry to attend the only B2B event as such in the UK.
The problem is not the £300 investment (which in reality is significantly more than £300 because of travel, accommodation, time spent at the conference and other misc expenses). The problem is there is no clear path for a lot of people to provide value.
As an example, as someone with £xx,xxx in sales this year, with a portfolio that is UK focused, there was not enough value for me to invest that time.
From an exhibitor perspective lets look at:
Who of these are going to provide me any additional value?
Sedo - Unless there were event exclusive commission changes being offered, which there certainly wouldn't be for a portfolio of our value.
ae server - No added value - also not what I would class as a world leading brand as they don't even show in top 6 results when I search aeserver.
Acorn - No added value
MEF - No added value
OX - No added value
Fuago - No added value
Netistrar - Possible value
InterNetX - Possible value
DNForum - No added value
Domain Days - No added value
Freename - Possible value
Hostmaria - No added value
As for the speakers, which is another way of possibly adding value - these are available after, which I can watch at my leisure.
Then there's the networking, even looking at Fuago's post on their site
https://www.fuago.io/london-domain-summit-2023/ you see this image:
How does this inspire me that next year my £300+ investment is going to get me to meet with people who would really grow my business. Being a bit to the point, you had free tickets this year and looking through day 1 photos, this was the busiest I saw the seating area in a 216 seat capacity room.
As a secondary point, you need to be realistic about what you're actually providing. As an example, you're trying to sell video sponsorship seen on (
https://www.summit.london/web/event?eventid=2138615980) at £10,000. The current playlist has 1205 views on YouTube. At current views they would've paid £8.29 per single view. At a CPM of £8290 there are many, many significantly better advertising methods for these companies to acquire customers. This was only £1500 this year and you didn't get a sponsor, what justifies the increase?
To round up this post into a few clear questions which may help get clarity:
1. What is going to be different at the 2024 summit that justifies this price tag for both visitors and exhibitors.
2. Who is this event for? Specifically what domain portfolio values and target customer base?
3. What value is being provided to .UK (incl .co.uk) portfolio holders.