In short. You lol
guy turns up with an incredible story full of holes. Which is fine as real life isn't always word perfect.
But there was a chance you where some con man boasting about a portfolio that you didn't know the value of hoping some greedy domainer would swoop and buy one. Then after receiving payment disappearing forever. It's happened before hence why i asked.
You can't blame me for wondering. You have an amazing domain portfolio and from what you have told us incredible business acumen and wealthy from your ventures. Yet you posted like some chancer from Nigeria pretending otherwise.
Surely when you took on the portfolio you had to show a value on your accounts. They have to sit somewhere for you to pay tax on etc
They would have to show a value close to that of what you where telling us that you had refused otherwise it may be considered you are evading the tax man or indeed stealing from the company you bought from by buying at well under market value. Obviously I'm not saying any of this is the case.
But your vagueness didn't add up.
It's your right of course and again reality doesn't always add up.
Your just so bloomin interesting we want to know more