Domains are now too expensive and to complex for non techy end users. The pricing, and complexity favour the tech companies [less of an ocean of resistance], domainers who hoard best domains [i would plead guilty assuming it's applicable here], and big brands. What was once an ocean of opportunity is yet again forced into a pyramid.
Yet domains are also the primary way to 'own' your bit of the internet.
So what we have here is 'ownership' of digital real estate is expensive, massively overcomplicated, and drives a massive portion of the activity into these digital disneylands who are widely described by the media as utter failures to all except their own shareholders in terms of 'change the world' 'do no evil'.
I've always hoped domainers globally would form an alliance but was never quite sure to what purpose since the odds are so overwhelming. But for me where there a purpose it would be to:
Get the price down to 1 major unit. Dollar, Euro, Pound
Zero techie way to whack up website within seconds of registering the domain name. Point here click there etc. The current system is like paying full whack for a car then them informing you you need an engineering degree to drive it. It's a huge bottleneck of creative, entrepreneurial, promise that is then housed in the digital disneylands causing those behemoths to have 1trillion dollar valuations despite in total moving 1 and 0's - all completely DONATED to them by billions of 'users' every second of every day - around for a living.
Second issue is moving forward but the pricing issue is well all wrong imho.
It's the first time i've felt like we could be approaching a turning point. The disaster of the ntld's will cause wiser future decisions. You don't need to put what traditionally and logically goes on the left side of the dot on the right side. The right side is for new concepts and new digital universes that grow within themselves.
the dot stands for 'is, of, in,' those types of things. So Donut.Donut is DonutInDonut. Worthless. ThisIsThis<ThisIsThat.
I love domaining. Nice to see some energy back in acorn, I was 12 hours straight for first time in years on the PC yesterday, days behind the clock on the ror uk plus non of the fancy tech some of the big boys have in here but was a productive day. But in the end as domainers, those that care more than just profits, but actually believe in domaining, this [pause for drama]... this thing of ours.... have to solve the problems inhibiting it's rightful status in the internetsphere. It is right up there with the key fundamentals. The right address in that infinite space. I think the problems can and will have to be solved because sooner or later people are going to wake up and realise handing massive amounts of your personal data, activity, to faceless companies whos execs by sheer coincidence own 500million dollar yachts 18months later probably isn't the way to solve inequality and other matters we must attend to. Digital data is valuable and it's it's principly owned/housed by the domain name it's sent to so there is gonna be a natural and persistent pull towards owning that data especially when it's your own and for that you need a domain name.