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The Big Sell Off

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The way that your acting today Lee shows a lot of desperation and is worrying seeing a person like this.

And I wouldn't worry about my desperation too much, yes I need to sell - most have seen me do this before and I'll do it again - and I'll reach my £2000 target this week, I usually do one way or another. By the by, £2k is a bargain for those 161.

Let's put my desperation into perspective shall we, ideally I want to sell almost all I can to raise what I need without my interests folding this week, I need to sort a few things out personally, pay the rent at the end of June and then I am finally going to chase the girl I want to be with and chase properly and I mean roll out the barrel. I'll say it to myself again, she's going to be so swept off her feet that Elvis will be coming back just to marry us haha.

Dreamer me. If I'm still single come the end then it aint without trying. So if that's desperation, fair enough, I call that living. I'm currently living my dream, I will sell those domains this week or something else but I live my dreams, make them and this is how I fund them. I just wish they'd bring deleting back.

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Lee if a woman wants to be with you because of money, then shes not worth it in the first place.

Once a woman knows you have money then you have to keep up that lifestyle and once you cant then usually that type of woman just walks away to the next mug with money.

I would sooner be a rich millionaire but walk around in scruffy looking clothes and a beard and a female looks in my eyes and sees my soul rather than being a rich millionaire who drives flash cars, and flashes the cash around and has a woman see a wallet rather than a soul.

My ex was always oh you could do so much better than what your doing, in the end I ended up making more money than her, I wrote her a shit load of blank cheques and she took me to the cleaners.

I was that broke that I saw money in the kerb and I would pick it up so that I could buy a mars bar for something to eat, or a pint of milk.

If I had milk then I would love white coffee with two sugars, once the milk ran out, then I would drink black coffee with two sugars, as soon as the sugar ran out, then I would shit myself having to drink black coffee without sugar.

Let the woman fall in love with you not your wallet and your be a lot happier.
Mark, I can't even be bothered to read your essay of a reply - I'm guessing its you trying to convince yourself that you're the affiliate god with loads of made up facts and figures??

You belong on the a4u forums - seeing as they banned you (for being an annoyance I guess) cant you just go back there under a different name............please ffs.......

Mark, I can't even be bothered to read your essay of a reply - I'm guessing its you trying to convince yourself that you're the affiliate god with loads of made up facts and figures??

You belong on the a4u forums - seeing as they banned you (for being an annoyance I guess) cant you just go back there under a different name............please ffs.......


LoL do the maths grant

If people can sell a domain name for 10 grand or more, its not hard to make a domain name make 10 grand or more

Taking a basic £50 per commission thats only 200 sign ups a lot of top websites do that in a day let alone a year.

Think before you type
Lee if a woman wants to be with you because of money, then shes not worth it in the first place.

Once a woman knows you have money then you have to keep up that lifestyle and once you cant then usually that type of woman just walks away to the next mug with money.

I would sooner be a rich millionaire but walk around in scruffy looking clothes and a beard and a female looks in my eyes and sees my soul rather than being a rich millionaire who drives flash cars, and flashes the cash around and has a woman see a wallet rather than a soul.

My ex was always oh you could do so much better than what your doing, in the end I ended up making more money than her, I wrote her a shit load of blank cheques and she took me to the cleaners.

I was that broke that I saw money in the kerb and I would pick it up so that I could buy a mars bar for something to eat, or a pint of milk.

If I had milk then I would love white coffee with two sugars, once the milk ran out, then I would drink black coffee with two sugars, as soon as the sugar ran out, then I would shit myself having to drink black coffee without sugar.

Let the woman fall in love with you not your wallet and your be a lot happier.

Man, chiillll Winston.

The money is for me. Blimey.

This girl already knows she can have everything I have, which is half of nothing and then she can even have the half of that once I've earned it. The money is to enable me to see her, you see we're on the internet and such is fate, we meet people on the internet and not all of us live next door to each other, so without going into too much detail, I need train fare haha oh and a bit of wedge to take her out would be nice too, don't you think? I'm trying to win an heart and convince of my intentions, did romance die somewhere?

But shhhhhh don't tell anyone, I'm Millwall. I eat babies.

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LoL do the maths grant

If people can sell a domain name for 10 grand or more, its not hard to make a domain name make 10 grand or more

Taking a basic £50 per commission thats only 200 sign ups a lot of top websites do that in a day let alone a year.

Think before you type

I can go and register 10 average domains names now, 'do the maths' and tell everyone that they will make me £1000 but at the end of the day that would be a pie in the sky figure, in reality all I actually have at the time is 10 average domain names with a 5 minute template whacked on them.

its not hard to make a domain name make 10 grand or more

If it's not hard how many domains do you have that make £10k each???


takes loads of sales via mistypes.

I need to sort out most of it as a lot of catalogues are merging into one for being tight bastards

Most commissions are from £10 onwards, sometimes at £118 commission if you notice I have about 20 variations on the catalogue name.

Also if you notice I have probaly about 30 domain names targeted to bingo which for Gala Bingo earns me £20 per sign up plus 20% revenue share.

I can increase my earnings 10 fold if I done more work but when you earn enough as it is, you think why should I work today lol

Nice luxury, would be nicer when the hot weather returns as I would love to be back out in the garden on my garden patio with the laptop and having a bbq, rather than sitting indoors on my leather office chair typing too you.
If its not hard to make a domain earn £10k then why arent most of your domains earning £10k? I'll tell you why - its because it is hard to make a domain earn £10k and no amount of bigging yourself up and dreaming up random figures is gonna change that!

lol who says they are not?

Some guys in here have vaninsurance as domains, £65 for one sale as van insurance is a lot harder than car insurance for sales.

Now combined these domains are worth about £150,000 to a company

Grant doesnt matter what you try and come back with, I can make you look an arsehole all day.

And trust me its fun.
lol who says they are not?

I'm guessing that they're not and I'd put money on it that I'm right!

Don't know what the rest of your car insurance babble has to do with anything?

You seem to be living in this 'if' world Mark - 'if' I could be bothered I would increase my earnings 10 fold but I think I'll crank up the bbq instead!?!............It's not actually reality is it!

I'm guessing that they're not and I'd put money on it that I'm right!

Don't know what the rest of your car insurance babble has to do with anything?

You seem to be living in this 'if' world Mark - 'if' I could be bothered I would increase my earnings 10 fold but I think I'll crank up the bbq instead!?!............It's not actually reality is it!


I earn x amount per day from coming up four years of work, I dont need to wake up and think god I have to do some work today to earn money, I dont think that I have to goto the office today to earn money because I have to pay the bills.

I can look at the days earnings and think, yeah right do I need to bother today.

I brought 135 domains this month, yes I need to make them earn money for me but I dont need to rush into doing anything with them.

Out of the 135 about 35 if I'm bullshitting figures have basic websites on them.

If I done more work and done the rest e.g the other 100 then yes I would be increasing my revenue.

Your still letting me make you look an arsehole, but carry on its fun
I earn x amount per day from coming up four years of work, I dont need to wake up and think god I have to do some work today to earn money, I dont think that I have to goto the office today to earn money because I have to pay the bills.

I can look at the days earnings and think, yeah right do I need to bother today.

I brought 135 domains this month, yes I need to make them earn money for me but I dont need to rush into doing anything with them.

Out of the 135 about 35 if I'm bullshitting figures have basic websites on them.

If I done more work and done the rest e.g the other 100 then yes I would be increasing my revenue.

My God Mark, thats probably your first ever post that contains no bragging / bullsh*t / pie in the sky figures - truthful, to the point and no sign of your arrogant attitude - congrats.

Your still letting me make you look an arsehole, but carry on its fun

Fun indeed, I don't need to waste any time making yourself look like an arsehole though, you've covered that yourself in practically every post you've made on this forum.


Says Mrs pagerank10 script kiddie with the names

Try coming into the proper World and paying thousands of pounds for scripts or having better domain names than dot thats why your not making money.

I see domain names for sale all the time when I'm looking for domains but I never buy them and go for something else.

I set up one website today while you've been scrapping around for spare change sadly got a hyphon in it but at least its a name.

That domain I got for free because of my hosting upgrade but thats not a 10 grand a year domain name its more a £100 maybe simply because of smaller prices and lower commissions.

So again do the maths

Says Mrs pagerank10 script kiddie with the names

Try coming into the proper World and paying thousands of pounds for scripts or having better domain names than dot thats why your not making money.

Jesus man thats harsh as fck.

Mark you talk pure nonsense!
Try coming into the proper World and paying thousands of pounds for scripts or having better domain names than dot thats why your not making money.

Jesus, you know nothing about my domain portfolio Mark, I can safely say that 5 of my best domains are worth more than your entire portfolio of crap. PR10 scripts are solid earners and YOUR calling me a script kiddie, look at the state of most of the sites in your signature and that catalouge site looks like it was put up in 1995.

You obviously arent aware that good generic domains are pretty good when it comes to search engine listings.

...In fact, forgetting my portfolio and taking a look at my signature -, and are probably worth more than your entire portfolio of shite LOL

Oh, and I don't remember saying that I wasn't making any money??

Anyone who trys and makes money of the back of someone whos passed away are sick and desperate - "clutching at straws!" (jill dando :rolleyes: )

Just goes to show the extent and desperation of a few people in this country.

Mark try playing the lottery - you are just wasting your life domaining - thats just being honest with you.

I hope you take my valueble advice on board before its to late.
Mark was banned because too many of his posts were insulting to other users / potentially libellous.

The Moderators warned him a number of times about his behaviour but ultimately had to ban him.

Haven’t you upset enough people already today with your nonsense?

What happened to the one post a day idea?

I think you will be banned for ever by the weekend!!!

Give the man some rope and watch him hang himself ............
Not harsh being honest, just the bare facts.

And welcome back DB didnt think we would see you again after your temper tantrum.

I make money via domain names I dont have to auction domains for a pitance or hope in desperation that domains will sale.

I've posted one domain for sale yesterday at offers £3,000 or more I havent droped the price and I dont need to.

Thats the difference between domain creators and domain sellers, I can make money either way but if I feel kinky enough to sell a domain then I can demand my own price and stick to that price.

My posts are from four years almost of knowledge of internet marketing and a sales background that I was very good at scoring 100% in mystery customer shopping trips.

And I was the only person to ever achieve that.

My CVs when I was looking to work for a pitence were unique stars around the borders and saying, most cvs are black and white and read for 20 seconds and in the bin, do you want someone boring for your company, or do you want me.

I had one recruitment manager phoning me up offering jobs that I didnt want until she offered me the one that I did want.

I dont do second best, second best is where you have fun and say thanks for that do your trousers back up and walk away.
Anyone who trys and makes money of the back of someone whos passed away are sick and desperate - "clutching at straws!" (jill dando :rolleyes: )

Just goes to show the extent and desperation of a few people in this country.

Mark try playing the lottery - you are just wasting your life domaining - thats just being honest with you.

I hope you take my valueble advice on board before its to late.

DB now your clutching at straws being honest

Jill Dando came from Weston super Mare, gee, I come from Weston super Mare, she worked for the Weston Mercury which owns the Weston Admag to which I worked.

We met in 1992 - 1993 at the Weston Mercury/Admag xmas do. I was introduced to her and because I had come out of the forces and we was a bit busy with the gulf war at the time, I hadnt watched TV so I never knew whom she was.

If you look at it is a non profit website that will be set up to mark her life once I get around to setting it up.

It will not have any google adverts, it will not have any external links to profit making websites and it will not have any links that make me money.

Jill loved her home town as much as I do and as a Westonian then as nothing has been done to remember her then I feel it my duty to her memory to help her live on.

No publicity will be sought from this domain name, the domain will be taken off the nominet list and a press release will be put up regarding that the domain is set up to remember Jill rather than the domain being to make money or have 15 minutes of fame.

The website will contain links to Weston Hospice which Jill was a patron of and she cared very deeply for, and also for the Jill Dando crime research.

So please make sure you have your facts damm straight before you even dare try to bring the departed into this as I'll fucking wipe the floor with you
My CVs when I was looking to work for a pitence were unique stars around the borders and saying, most cvs are black and white and read for 20 seconds and in the bin, do you want someone boring for your company, or do you want me.

LOL, I bet you used to be the guy in the office who wore wacky ties and told everyone what a 'crazy guy' he was.

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