Listen to what? All you are giving us is your opinion with absolutely nothing to back it up with. .
This is not true - I gave a good response to the statistics from SEOmoz and I sent a link with information from Matt Cutts - you chose to ignore these. I also told you that I was heavily involved in developing a site from very low levels which at one point had traffic levels over over 1 million monthly unique users from SEO/SEM - I don't know what more I can do really except keep sending third party links from reputable sources
How exactly are you doing that? If you are so concerned with this, why not take the time you spent in designing your own 100% water tight test? I am sure that for someone with of your experience it will be extremely simple.
At the moment I don't have the time or inclination to do this primarily because in order to do this properly it needs more development but I am shortly going to launch a site that I have spent a great deal of time and energy on to help provide more information, stats etc about all these things which I hope may be helpful
Well, it’s a nice thought and im all for it but however good intentioned your motives are, it does not mean you can make such fundamental claims to the way we look at EMDs and the reasons behind those conceptions without some proof or solid examples. To be honest, in my experience, this EMD effect has been so clear cut, it really does place some doubt in my mind on the amount of SEO experience you have. We are talking about a clear and still powerful effect which I have seen regularly and consistently with all EMDs I worked on yet you claim it’s just a mis belief? Really? No, you don’t have to prove yourself when making claims, but anyone with even an ounce of brain would require it before accepting it as true so if your real aim here is to change people’s minds for the good of the industry, then start showing some structured arguments to that effect otherwise, it’s just good plain hot air and we get enough of that already from our politicians.
If you read what I have actually been saying in my posts you will see I have never once said that I do not believe in the strength of EMD's - what I have said is that I think that the general "domainers" perception of why they are so important is incorrect. I think EMD's are incredibly powerful but I believe the true power is in development and hence it is phrase match terms amongst other key things that should be looked at when valuing and not exact match. I will try and explain this further in a longer post at another time if you think that would be helpful
I take offence not by your actions but by the fact that you have not bothered to bring anything concrete to the table apart from incorrect accusations and flawed dismissals of the test I carried out. If you addressed the test with solid reasons why it may be flawed (and i am well aware it is not perfect) to make the results completely unreliable then I would take it much better. Or, in the very least, I would have more respect to your opinion if you actually bothered to do this yourself as it is you that is going around the forum telling everyone EMD are all a misconception.
I have said all the way through this , Thank you for your efforts on this. They weren't flawed dismissals by the way but I honestly don't have the time now to go through this step by step. I have given some responses above and from what you are saying here I will try and create a longer post at some point with more detailed information as it sounds like that is what you want.
Lastly when I say "domainers" that is when I am generalising about the general perception of things within the industry. Like I say I have my feet firmly in both camps and have been involved in the domain industry for over a decade. I know a lot of domainers including many of the big domainers, I have attended numerous domain events both here and in the USA and I really am trying to help as the one thing we all want is for end users to buy domains for good prices. In order for that to happen I think "domainers" need to take more notice of SEO/ and marketing and vice versa