17 years now fully self employed from the internet as a web developer.
i think doing a "stock take" on yourself would have been the best thing, and i now having a saying " know what you are bad at and pay someone else to do it"
i don't think we can be good at everything, but as self employs we think we can and its total rubbish.
do what you're good at, get a book keeper/accountant, if you produce well but can't sell then find someone who loves selling but can't produce !
don'ttttttttttttttttttt do partnerships, just make your money and pay people, if you can't afford that then the business isn't viable and face that NOW, not later.
the book " the E myth revisited " i think is a MUST read before leaving your job to go off solo.
i read it @ 4 years into my business, i immediately stopped working, change my strategy and it took 6 months......no income........then when i implemented the changes i lost 30% of my clients.
reality is i was going to lose them at some time anyway, but i bit the bullet, now the business is great and it works the way i want it to.
eg: my next door neighbour is a client, i built his website, i host it and i do his seasonal changes, he waves to me as he leaves the driveway or collects his mail if we cross paths.
EVERYTHING is done via email, change instructions, invoicing, updates EVERYTHING.
my client base covers from melbourne to cairns and west from that ( 4000klms+) i simply can not see clients, so @ 98% of my clients i have NEVER met.
thats why i changed from a "mate mate mate" relationship to a service provider, but a bloody good one
i also feel you need at least 1 years wage in the kitty before leaving a job to be self employed, if you are thinking about paying bills you are not thinking about building the business.