It's got any manner of uses, the lowest use would be for sports and racing or football, the major big money use would come from an end user using it as a keyword to services relating to finances and big business. For those wanting results from marketing to stocks and share trading or any number of motivated results based work - which equates to big money deals and a pricey service because continual results don't come cheap.
As a rebranding exercise for a major corporate you could be looking at in and around and in excess of £30k if not much more, depending on what their whole scope and vision is and what's required, in a nothing else will do outlook. A business start up may try their luck at a few to several thousand, an average serious buyer with average to serious intentions, it's got to be £13k to £15k minimum.
You've a domain there that a business would be staking its sole and whole reputation on, forever. Results, if they aint getting them then what's the point? Nah £15k to £30k but you know when you need to sell and when you don't. It can take years of practice holding on to your nerve, I'm getting there slowly but still under selling, it's easier when I'm doing other people's as I aint losing the money. :mrgreen:
*Looking at the .com and the .net, the word results means a lot more in the English language than it does in the american slant.