You guys have got short memories. Or you are too young to remember.
Maggie (although she did do some good,) was the ultimate destroyer.
"Greed is good". "lunch is for wimps"
What did Maggie really do....
She destroyed our manufacturing base completely.
Who has a thriving economy in Europe? The Germans and why? because of their strong manufacturing base. They are happily building and exporting around the world.
What are we left with in the UK? Call centres & Canary wharf
"greed is good"
She ecouraged people to buy and forced councils to sell their housing stock. It's just a pity they didn't plough the money back into building new housing
But there again, how could they? They were forced to sell houses for £30k when it was costing £60K for a replacement. Makes real sense that does.
But hey, greed is good. People sat in their newly bought house for 3yrs as that was the legnth of time before they were allowed to sell. Then they sold for £100K +
So now we have a severe shortage of social housing.
I agree we needed this but lets look closely at what we actually now have left that is British owned?
80% of our water companies are foreign owned.
Our nuclear industry is foreign owned
Most of our electricity companies are foreign owned.
greed is good.
We have nothing left. No manufacturing base and our main utilities in the hands of foreign ownership. We embraced Maggies vision and now we reap what we sowed.
Ever notice how the rest of Europe pretend to do the same but they still own their own infrastructures and some, they bought ours!
"new labour" was/is old Tory. They just continued down the same road Maggie started.
"The future is service industries and building London into a financial powerhouse"
Well, we took you at your word Maggie, in fact, we were so good at it we thought it would be a great idea to outsource our service industry to India.
Greed is good
Financial powerhouse:
We done good. A crippled economy, 2 state owned banks and a couple of building societies left.
Greed is good.
Our country is fecked. We have villages with no social contact as all the banks decided to pull out (at the time the economy was booming) Why? greed is good.
So, what to do?
The problem this time round is we have nothing left to sell. Ok, not quite true:
post office
air sea rescue
and most likely air traffic controllers
After that, nothing. We have privatised and sold our souls. There is nothing left and we own nothing.
Never mind. Stiff upper lip and all that.
This is a little like blaming Churchill for our losses in the second world war....
When Thatcher took over, Britain was bust.